
Would You Want to know if your spouse has cheated on you ?

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  1. nope. not unless it was emotional and he wanted to leave me for her.  If it was just physical then  i wouldnt want to know. i know that seems hard to believe and ill get thumbs down. but these things happen. and if the person was just a fling i wouldnt want to ruin our lives over it.

  2. Hind sight is 20/20. Deep down I always knew but I didn't want it to be true and I believe that most people know when their significant other is cheating so I guess my answer is NO.  Keep it to yourself unless you can provide the absolute brutal, undeniable true fact..... show it to me.... catch them in the sack fact! cause trust me there are lots and lots of us who just cling to the illusion of our spouse loving us so much that "they'd never, ever hurt us that way" and if you tell us without that unmitigatible truth we'll call you a trouble maker who's just jealous of what we have, I suspected, I asked him, he said no.... I love you too much, I'd never.... after the divorce he told me about the 25 women he'd been with and all of our friends knew and nobody told.... so I got pretty p.o.'d that nobody told me but they all said "you never would have believed it and I guess they were right cause he was sooo good at the lie and I'm still not sure that I'd want to be told... I guess I'm just stupid and gullible.... yuck

  3. I would want to know for a few reasons... You never know who someone's been with before you so who's to say that your partner didn't cheat with someone who had something. If there were children involved you'd have to take into consideration the effect that this would have on them should they ever find out. Did the affair result in a pregnancy? Do you live in a place where everyone knows everyone's business? It would hurt but in the long run it would be best if they came clean.

  4. yes.  living a lie is worse than the truth.  i hate deception and partners should know what is, or has been, going on in their partner's life.  

    without knowing you are simply ignorant to what is going on around you and is detrimental to the relationship.

  5. It depends. If my wife met some guy, had a one-night, or even a brief fling kind of a thing that she ended because she realized that it was wrong and that it was a mistake, if she learned from it and recommitted herself to me and our family, then I would just as soon I never knew.

    Now if she cheated repeatedly or was carrying on long term affairs behind my back, that I would want to know about and that would end our marriage.

  6. Yes, for my health and so I could plan the rest of my life.

  7. Yes, because I had to hear about all the women he had after 25 years of marriage, I wish I had know way back in the beginning. He was very slick. I never knew till after our divorce.

    I gave up a lot of my youth for this man.

  8. Yes!  When one enters marriage, they are commiting to one person.  If my man cheated, I would want to know immediately, like after the fact.  There is no reason to be treated like that.  If one wants other relationships, one shouldn't be married.  Plain and simple.

  9. No, I plan on being with my spouse for the rest of my life. I don't want to know. Let me find out on my own

  10. Of course I would want to know. That is your right.

  11. Was this because the opportunity presented itself or because they have feelings for this person. The first is something you can work to get past. It's like having a mountain strapped to your back, but it's workable. The second is also workable, but you're Atlas. You've got the world strapped on your back. I'm being blunt because pretending is the worst thing a person could do in this situation. If I had that information, I think I could be realistic about what comes next.

  12. I had a ex gf who cheated.....

    I got rid of her because of the lack of confession.

    I dont have time for it kids or not lol.

    For all those who want to find out then when you get that incurable std or burning pee, You would have wish someone told.

  13. Yes i would cause if i thought he had cheated i would want to know instead of wondering if he did cause not knowing for sure if he did or didnt would drive me crazy lol.

  14. I would not want to know about a one night stand.  I would want to know about multiple one night stands.  I would want to know about an ongoing or long-lasting affair.

  15. I would definitely want to know. There is no excuse for cheating...NEVER

    That is a one way ticket to gettin' yo *** kicked to the curb...

  16. Yes.  If my spouse is deceiving me in that manner, then I am sure he is deceiving me in other matters as well.  In other words, he is not to be trusted and would be fired immediately.  Life is short enough.    

  17. Not no, but h**l no!

  18. yes.why would you ask such a question?Have you been cheated on or were you the one cheating?Are you the one having a meaningless fling with someone's husband?

  19. Um yes. I'd want to know. I know it would kill me but I'd want to know why he did. I'd want to know so that if there was a legit reason why we could work on it together. My husband & I are committed to working thru every thing & we have a wonderful relationship because we've gone through a lot of really hard stuff (like this) and have been able to move past it & we are better spouses because of it.

    If you don't have a healthy relationship I would not recommend stoking the fire.

  20. If he did and you love him you would know. Nobody would have to tell you.

  21. I personally would. I don't care if its 20 years after the fact. I'd still kick her *** to the curb and sue her for every possible thing I could. I'd expect the same from her. Cheating is not acceptable, and will not be tolerated in my household.

  22. h**l YEAH... Why wouldnt you want to know... Becasue that mean if you dont know you are living a BIG F'N lie.  

  23. yes i would i had to find out the hard way even when i asked to just tell me. I knew it was going on but she said it wasn't.  

  24. Yes I would, so that I could get myself out of the marriage before I caught some kind of disease.    

  25. Yes I would want to know. I would not stay with him.

  26. No.


  28. of course

    I'd hate to ever kill someone that was innocent.  It's always a good idea to know the facts 100% before you take retribution on the poor souls involved

  29. yes, cuz i like the honesty and being able to tell my bf anything and everything and my bf telling me everything and anything

  30. From personal experience yes, if I had only known while he was cheating then I would not have had to worry about AIDS and STD and all the rest of the stuff that comes with cheating. You know, to bad for the most of us, that even if we are told that the spouse is cheating we will not believe it and yes there is a reason for that, some people like to stir the pot and blow things way out of control. Trust me it hurts no matter when you find out, but in these times it is better to find out while it is going on, so at least you can protect yourself. It is so much worse also, to have your fears confirmed from the bank tailor. When cheating is going on, no matter before or after, you need to know because vows have been broken, the spouse has put you and your children and family in harms way. Because sometimes they cheat with not so nice people and some times those people are not willing to let go. I also accept the whole idea that it is done and over with and oh a mistake was made and it want happen again and all of that. I just don't have any faith in it, myself. So yea rather if it is still going on or if it happened in the past you need to know.  

  31. Absolutely - our relationship should be exclusive. If it's not I need to know - for physical & emotional health reasons. I wish I could say what I'd do once I knew, but I just don't know. I hope I never have to face this.

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