
Would You say that our Government is Failing and How should e Intervene.?

by Guest57762  |  earlier

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Would You say that our Government is Failing and How should e Intervene.?




  1. YES!  There is no doubt about it. We should fire them, starting with the President! We need to start out demanding our rights be given back!

  2. In a sense it is failing, putting us in trillions of dollars in debt. But compared  to some governments we have it pretty good.

    And if our government was truly that bad we'd have rioting in all of our streets, and people would be acting against the government. We'd be in chaos, so we must not be that unhappy with our government.

  3. I'd say they're succeeding. Succeeding at fu<k!ng the country into a debt we'll never get out of, diminishing the dollar value, getting rid of the middle class, and moving us one step closer to a one world government.

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