
Would You???(girls)?

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im not trying to make anybody made but if your a white girl would you date a blck girl??? juz asking cause i never see any white n blck lesbians goin out or anything???so white girls would you date a blck girl???




  1. of course i would. I've seen a lot of beautiful black girls and I wouldnt mind.

  2. It depends upon the person is all

  3. hey don't feel stupid.

    Just please spell "this" right instead of "diz", k?

    and black is spelled with an 'a' in the middle.

    and of course I would.

  4. Don't feel stupid! It was a legit question.

    Yes, I would date a black girl, or a girl from any race. Personality is the issue, not color. I've only been with other white girls to date, but I'm still young, and I can bet you that interracial dating is in my future, because I think dark skin is gorgeous.

  5. Sure, I've been attracted to black girls before. I don't want to sound cheesy, but it really is what's on the inside that matters.

  6. hmmm rihanna is a pretty hot black girl, so YES.

  7. i don't mind it if i'm attracted to her.. but i'm usually not attracted to black gurls.. i can be attracted to the less dark looking black gurls.. it's not about color / religion or whatever in the end for me, if i feel something drawing me to her then i'll date her!

  8. Yes. Love is colorblind.  

  9. I definitely would.

  10. i wouldd, i don't discriminate by race, that's just silly!

    but then again, i am very picky so she'd have to be my type.

    Anyway i did have a thing for this one black girl and im white but shes straight so i never told her haha. but it was just a mann she is banging! and she was one of those baller girls who were so chill and

    laid back. =D

  11. sure :)

    as long as she isnt all like totally into rap music all the time, and doesnt act gangster..cause that turns me of for any race

  12. i dont see people as colors i really dont. i see whether i get along with them. whether i like whats on the inside or not. honestly. im not just saying it.

  13. It's the same with guys for me, it just depends on whether I like them or not.  

  14. Yeah,

    I've had crushes on black girls.

  15. I'm Arab but I've dated white girls/ black girls/ Indian girls / Asian girls ...


  16. Yeah, definitely. The population of blacks here isn't really the huge though.  

  17. Sure, why not.  

  18. I would, I think a lot of black females are hot, but I don't really know any that are g*y. Plus, I live in Santa Cruz and there aren't that many black people in general. Also, I'm already going out with somebody :)
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