
Would a 10 yr boy with asperger's syndrome be unable to liar ?

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Would a 10 yr boy with asperger's syndrome be unable to liar ?




  1. No.  Quite the contrary.  Kids with Asperger's (or kids along the Autism Spectrun, including ADHD) often see the world so narrowly that they will appear to be lying because their perspective is so narrow (and often very different from the perspective of a nondisabled person).

  2. I have AS myself.  Its not that we can't lie, its that we have no reservations about telling the truth.  If you ever go out with an aspie on a date, don't make the mistake of asking him how you look.  If you do, be prepared for a brutally honest answer.  

    One time this girl comes out and says to me "How do you like my new dress?  Do you think it makes me look pretty?"  I answered "The dress looks fine, but you are still ugly."  For some reason, she never spoke to me again after that.  She should never have asked if she didn't want to know.

  3. Because Asperger syndrome people see things as black or white and no shades of grey in between, if they have convinced themselves that something is true they will believe that. You can even prove they are completely wrong but they will not change their opinion. I have a 9 year old with Asperger syndrome and if she gets an idea into her head it is impossible to get her to change her mind. Other children tell her things that are blatantly no true but she always believes them and I am unable to change her mind. I don't think they lie intentionally but they are so inflexible in their thought processes that they are unable to change their minds.

  4. My ex-husband has Asperger's and he lied a lot.

  5. I have known some who can and some who cannot.

  6. I know of 2 people with Aspergers, one 22 and the other is 14, related to each other and both lie.

  7. My 12 year old daughter is Aspie and used to lie frequently, usually her lies were designed to try to fit in better with others or to avoid getting in trouble.  My husband on the other hand (who is also Aspie) is brutally honest, he does not lie and considers exaggerations to be lies.

  8. Yes, they can lie. Since Asperger's is a social disorder, they may lie because they don't understand a particular situation and they are afraid of making a mistake.

    Successful lying is also determined by the level of functioning of the Asperger's person. The higher functioning they are, the better they are at lying. Some Asperger's people are highly intelligent and they do know when to lie and can predict the result.

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