
Would a $100 Billion investment be enough to produce sustainable energy?

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I was thinking would an investment of one hundred billion dollars to research cheap, clean and renewable energy be enough?




  1. That would be a start and it is a step in the right direction. Energy use starts with the individual. Before power plants people produced their own fuel such as firewood and candles and raised their own transportation. (Horses, Mules, Walked). Don’t wait for the government to go green. If each building in the USA was equipped with solar panels and in wind prone areas wind turbines our fossil burning plant emission would be reduced by about 85%.  Don’t wait for the government to go green you be the 1st in your neighborhood to leave the grid. Great question.

  2. I wouldnt advise an ax or especially a chainsaw to an enviromentalpatient Boatman, they liable to end up missing body parts.

  3. Would it be enough to what?  Develop an alternative to coal or oil?  Probably not.

    But it would be a good start.  A lot of wind turbines or solar panels could be made using that money.

  4. Not very likely.  Your three targets are in conflict with each other.  We have ample knowledge of clean and renewable energy but it you spend 100 billion it is no longer cheap.  It is also unlikely the the result of the research will provide further cheap energy.  What we need to do is spend the 100 billion to provide clean and renewable energy that does not put all our money in the hand of the radical muslims.

  5. How about a $10 axe! --------- to make firewood------- cheap, renewable, only leaves a few ashes to clean up, and low cost except for the hard work with the axe!

  6. not relay, it depends on the costs that you car willing to pay for renewable power if you could pay 100 billion and get a cheap souse of renewable power it would be great.

  7. This global warming subject is the biggest sham man has come up with to take our money. You really need to look into the other side of the argument. For one, volcanoes have a great effect on climate and the natural order of things. We will not disappear. One of the top meteorologists of the Weather Channel stepped down for other interests, on his way out he said, I quote: global warming is the biggest sham that they have come up with yet. China is the biggest polluter on the planet now but the UN says the United States should foot most of the bill. Simply because they know there is money here. You have heard that it cant be stopped, it will take its course. Now all of a sudden the UN says for a mere 86 billion they can stop it. We are to foot most of the bill, why is that? No amount would be great enough, the big money machine and politicians would steal that money and just make it look good. Don't forget, the UN is as crooked as they come and so are our politicians, just take a long look at the smoke and mirror game they play. But they do take care of themselves and not the people anymore. Its a good idea onyour part but nothing will happen until they are ready and have their hands in the till. Unfortunate but so true.

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