
Would a 5 year old like this?

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I'm going to a 5th birthday party for a little boy who loves the movie Kung Fu Panda. I was thinking about getting him these items, but do you think a 5 year old would be in to this? but I don't know if 5 year olds like to be read to

or but I didn't know if 5 year olds can do puzzles

or but I didn't know if 5 year olds like to color.

I know all 5 year olds aren't the same.. but I basically just need to know if these gifts would be something that most 5 year olds would like, or if these gifts are for a different age group.




  1. The puzzles are probably a little too hard for the average 5 year old, but probably either of the others would be fine.  My daughter will be 5 in two weeks - and she has a million books and coloring books both.  I would skip the coloring book.

    You could also get him a gift certificate to go see the movie again (I think it is still in the theater), maybe with a little Kung Fu Panda book or action figure) just a thought.

  2. wtff?

    little kids dont like t0 read

    or d0 puzzles


    buy them a kun fu panda toy!

    he's juss fivee!

  3. I think all kids who have been read to love it. They really do. I'd get the coloring book as well. Where possable make sure he falls with in the age listed on the toy.

  4. Go for the activity kit.

  5. what 5 year old do YOU know that doesnt like to color?


  6. It really does depend on the 5-year-old.  My seven-year-old is very artistic, but he hates coloring books and coloring in general.  he's actually pretty bad at it but he's great at painting and making sculptures and building things.  He also likes to act out movies using his dinosaurs and my video camera.  I'd ask his mom if he'd like to color

    He might like the book, I'd also ask his mother if he likes being read to and if he'd appreciate that.  A good kids' book has lots of pictures in it  They hate blocks of text (usually).

    The puzzle looks a little hard for him, even thoughit's cute.  I would go with one with no more than 25 pieces of it.  I know my kid is into leap pad type stuff, i don't know if that child has any of that or not.  Matchbox toys are fairly popular, and anything that makes noise on it's own.

  7. I'd say get the colouring book, the puzzles may be a little advanced for him, but you could get them for his 6th birthday! 5 year olds loving colouring in :)

  8. well i think he would like these it is true that most 5 year olds have diffrent tastes and all but they are the same in age so i think that the book since it has noices it will keep him entertained as for the puzzles they might be abit hazardous to him because he might eat the pieces the coloring book is pretty cool and i think he will like it

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