
Would a 7-year-old girl be embarrassed if she opened her packed lunch and saw a Zoo Pals spoon included?

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She likes them at home, but will she be embarrassed if I pack one in her lunch for the field trip tomorrow? She's a year younger than the rest of her class.




  1. Oh my goodness, she`s in second grade, tell her she`ll be alright. But if she fusses, pack her a big girl spoon.

  2. I put them in my 6 and 8 year olds lunch. They dont care!

  3. 2nd graders still love that stuff, go for it

    once you start getting around 4th and 5th grade they start getting fussier

    O and girls get away with that stuff far more than boys, lol

  4. She's in 1st or 2nd grade right?

    She's fine having a Zoo Pals spoon!  She's still so young, it's all in good fun.

    Only teens are supposed to be embarrassed of their parents. =P  I kid.

  5. I would definitely ask her and not take her by surprise with it.  You would think at this age, kids would not be bothered by this.  Unfortunately, times are so different and so are children.  My son, 6 at the beginning of the year, took zoopal spoons and forks with his lunch daily.  One day, he suddenly asked me to stop sending them.  He said the other kids (this is first grade) were teasing him.  Hard to believe!!!  So, let her make that decision.  She should know the kids well enough to know whether or not they will tease her.  Isn't it so sad we have to worry about our children being teased over such ridiculous things?  Good luck!

  6. I have a seven year old son and he would LOVE it.

  7. Heaven knows...she sure shouldnt be...but you know there will likely be some little jealous brat child who will wish he had one....and to compensate he will make fun of her or something.   You know how kids are.   I guess if you think she is strong enough to handle that situation....pack it...and especially if it would make her smile.   She might not care if that kid says something tacky.   :-)  YOu know what?  I would just tell her ahead time you are packing it and to be sure to bring it home, not to lose it or give it away...cause its special you know.... We've had it a long time now...and lets keep it longer still!     :-)

  8. Why don't you get her to choose what spoon she wants for herself?

  9. my daughter will be 7 in oct. and she would love it!! we use them at home all the time she thinks they are the best thing ever.  But she really loves animals, so that could be why.

  10. My 2nd grade girl loves those zoo pals spoons.  I don't let her take them on field trips because I don't want her to throw them out! That would be the only reason I wouldn't let her.  

    I think she'd think it was cool!

  11. ask her. ...better than just guessing at it.

  12. Maybe, its hard to say.

    Theres a chance that she would care more about what other people think than what she really likes.

    Why dont you just ask her?

  13. ASK the 7 year old.

  14. No, I don't think so.  But all kids are different, best to ask her in the morning

  15. I don't think it would make a difference. But I'd think she'd find it cool. That's why they make them animals, so the children will use them.

  16. kinda depends on how mature she is. I mean i like them and i'm the youngest in my 5th grade class.

  17. My boy who is 7yrs old he likes them. He always gets them out of the cabinet to play with them and make them fight with each other.LOL Maybe ur lil girl  has some lil friends who wanna make her grow up to quickly.I would still put them in her lunch box. There's no reason to hide what she likes. :-)

  18. NO I don't think so, my son is 6 and I have used a zoopals spoon, he has never said that he was embarrassed, he has in fact said thanks for the zoopals mom. Girls are a little different though, more independent. If I were you i would play it safe and ask her in the morning, unless you decide to just give her one so you are not short 1 spoon from your set. Good Luck.

  19. She might be, when i was about 9 or 10 my mom wrote me a note that said " I love you, have a great day" for my lunch box. I threw it away right when I saw it. I liked it deep down inside though. But i was a little embarrassed. Good Luck!

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