
Would a Jew accept the nomination to follow Hitler?

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Would a Jew accept the nomination to follow Hitler?




  1. Some did and others backed the communists

  2. one just did

  3. Is the false Greek temple a sign of elite egotism?  

    I hate to comtemplate...but Know History.  Gain Knowledge.

    Vote McCain 2008.

  4. Historically yes, there were a few Jews who supported Hitler, thinking that somehow he wasn't talking about them specifically when mentioning the bad elements of society.

  5. they have before, many jews were in Hitler's army including top ranking officers in the luftwaffe

  6. Neither Adenauer nor Grotewohl were Jewish, it would have been all the more fitting and proper if they were though.

    If this somehow a veiled implication about Joe Lieberman acceoting an Invitation to be McCain's second banana, he should take it.

    If this is a back door offer to me by the A.N.P. or any other fringe group or person to taking me up on my offer of running for vice president because they can't find anyone else for the job; I accept.

    We will not be elected; we will not be liked; we will not be respected; we probably won't raise enough money to buy bus fare to a joint appearance in Duluth; we will not be taken seriously, unless you take yourself seriously; but we will be heard, at least by people in my shouting distance; and we ought to have fun.

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