
Would a Machiavelli, working in a section producing safety-critical software, try to ensure the section was ..

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well stocked with "slackers" of good character.

The reasoning being that a "slacker" of poor character joining or being in the section would pose unacceptable risk.

"Good slackers" would tend to shield their work colleagues from likely harm from the slacker of poor character.

The reason why the slacker of poor character poses such a risk is that co-workers aren't really authorised to order the slacker back to work. (And if it's safety-critical software, you wouldn't want the slacker to be doing anything). Co-workers want to do the scheduled work so will cover for the slacker. The slacker of poor character will likely want to oust immediate boss if possible, spread rumours, indulge in a bit of character assassination and back-stabbing.




  1. I've not studied Machiavelli in sufficient depth to know about any specific theory related to "slackers." However, from my experience in the software industry and others, Machiavelli must be a prime read among software slackers of "bad character."

    Most employees are honest, dedicated, and sincere. However, there are always a few bad apples. Often, work in the software industry is setup to be a zero-sum game, meaning that if a problem arises someone must be held accountable. Most companies try to identify and correct the root problem, however, the world is often messy and people tend to find the easiest path rather than the correct one. The slackers of bad character will set up a scape goat (person or department) to blame for their own problems. In the words of one manager: "Perception is reality."

    That's one reason I believe that E. F. Schumacher was right about the correct scale of business: "Small is Beautiful".

  2. I take it that you have read "The Prince." If so, then make it look good on the surface, and behind the scenes, do whatever you want.

    I think that this has been George W. Bush's policy. However, he is not very good at making it look good on the surface.

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