
Would a Pregnancy Test show ''POSITIVE'' on a pregnant woman all through out the entire 9months?

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If so. . WHY? & if not. . . WHY NOT?!





  1. Nope, not always.

    Your HCG levels, the hormone that detects pregnancy, will level off further off in your pregnancy, into the second trimester.

    They skyrocket like crazy in the beginning, but once the baby has reached a certain stage in development, they drop.

    I was bummed, because I took a HPT because I wanted a photograph of me holding it for a baby scrapbook, and it came out negative. Lol!

    This is also why some pregnant women (usually very obese women, who don't have normal menstrual cycles) don't figure out they're pregnant until they give birth (if you've ever seen the TV programs.) By the time they suspect they might be pregnant, they don't get accurate HPT results.

    Weird, huh?

  2. Yes it would, as the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is created in excess amounts throughtout the whole pregnancy and this is the chemical that shows up on home pregnancy tests.

  3. Yes it would because pregnancy tests detect the presence of HCG hormone, which levels increase dramatically during pregnancy. They stay high throughout pregnancy.  


    Home pregnancy tests are looking for the presence of a hormone called hCG.

    hCG (human Choronic Gondotrohin) is the hormone that first sustains the pregnancy and is produced by the baby at the beginning of the pregnancy.  The amount circulating in the mother's blood peaks towards the end of the first trimester at about weeks 9 to 11.  Around this time, the placenta matures and "takes over" the function of sustaining the pregnancy and hCG levels drop off by up to 90%.

    By about 16 weeks,  some women do not have enough hCG still circulating to be detected accurately in a home pregnancy test.

    High levels of hCG that are still circulating in weeks 15-22 can signal possible problems with the pregnancy and/or the baby, such as Down Syndrome.  This is something they can look for in tests like the "triple test".

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