
Would a Tublet infected by K-MAC Fever be considered the deadliest organism on Earth?

by Guest33107  |  earlier

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Why haven't our respective governments made moves to mimimize this threat?




  1. That Tublet would be like some kickass ninja zombie.

  2. We have only achieved this in controlled laboratory conditions. Outside of the Tublet containment device the DNA becomes alarmingly unstable and public lives would be in danger.

  3. I have a Tublet in my cellar, but have to provide her with K-MAC booster shots to keep her stable.

  4. Wait a minute; are we all going to die from laughter or cuddle-punches???

  5. no, i hear that they both easily fall victim to any move devised by Moe from the three stooges...

    the eye poke, the bop on the head... they especially get confused when you knock their hat on the floor...

  6. I just had an o****m.

  7. You might want to start wearing a parachute, because I've always wanted to pitch someone out of a commercial jet as it crossed the Atlantic ocean. I heard K-MAC fever makes you weak with regard to your wants, but gives you an amazing physical strength. You might want to wear a life jacket and shark repellent, too.

  8. Yes, it could be considered very deadly.  It really depends on which Tublet, of course.  Tublet in a blender, not so much, because of the lack of limbs for transportation.

    Tublet from 3000..... you bet your sweet azz theres gonna be blood.

    They've done nothing, so as not to upset US/Australian relations.  We need their dingo, bad.

  9. Deadliest and sexiest.  In that order.

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