
Would a Windows virus effect a Mac?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking into downloading something from a torrent. If one of the torrents has a virus, would I be protected since I have a mac?




  1. no.

  2. If you are using your mac as a PC through Bootcamp it could, but probably not when running OSX

  3. protocol,ads,malicious software,trojan and many more

  4. Macs don't get Malware.

  5. Unless the virus is written in two programming languages (thus TWO virus files), then one of the files could, but most of the time, NO.

  6. Yup! No problems there. That's the great thing for us Mac users :)

    edit: one of your questions was a YES answer, one was a NO answer. NO, you will not get a virus, YES you are protected since you have a Mac.

  7. Viruses effect mac almost nil. There is still a nil.

  8. nope ur GOOD =) windows dirt can't get on the mac =) and dude any computer can get a virus @ macs don't get malware is just about the frequency they get them,, most users in home have windows,, why make a virus for it,, if it was the other way around,, windows might actually be something i would use =)

  9. Yes, it would. It would not a be a threat to a Mac.

  10. If the virus is made for windows, your mac is fine. But if it's a MAC virus, you're sunk. I've had a Mac for 2 years and I've never gotten a virus.

  11. There has only been one known Mac virus ever and they got in under controll right away so as of right now and I am sure for a long time there will be no know virus so you have no worries about it at all!

  12. most viruses are made with windows in mind.  There are mac viruses out there but they are far and few between.  If mac was the main computer of the world and windows the secondary it would be the other way around.

  13. Macs are a virus, the only thing they do is increase the amount of stupid computer users with dumbed down techniques

    Just cause it's pretty doesn't mean your safe from anything, and it might not even have a virus, but a way to open you sacred mac to the net, in which someone could get in and get your stuff just as easy... and Macs had like 200+ security flaws for leopard alone... Compared to vistas maybe 75 (although 4 were major critical :S)

    .... Enjoy the koolaid

    You should be fine im just crabby and wrote that...  

  14. well it has nothing to do with what kind of virus it, but seeing as mac s r usually better protected than windows so you shouldn't have a problem.

  15. yep most viruses target the current versoin of windows thats good for mac and windows 2000 below users

  16. No, you will not the virus, but b/c you have a mac, it may not be compatible with ur computer.

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