
Would a bearded dragon lay on me and watch t.v for a while?

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i jus want to chill and relax with my dragon.

could i chill and watch t.v with it? help.




  1. Mine does all the time.

  2. yeah sure if hes used to you and trusts you

    my cousin's iguana hangs out with us all the time watching tv and whatnot.  he also eats popcorn and chips...

  3. only during teenage mutant ninja turtles!

  4. absolutly if you were to get a bearded dragon out most of the time they just sit there anyway

    my female beardie just sits there watching everything around her while the male just runs havok

    all lizards are different though so your beardie might sit there and might not

  5. no, it will eat you

  6. a guy told me when they are about 10 inches they can just lay on ur hand and watch tv i have a baby i had him for about 3 monthes maybe 4 months he  loves to sit on my hand or when im on my labtop he loves to look at  it he goes crasey he loves my labtop  but as he got bigger and more used to me he starded to get reslese  but  some babys may be able to sit on  ur hand and watch tv  a guy told me that they love to run arond alot  but theres a  chance  it all depense on ur dragon hope this helped

  7. well maybe... i don't know.. its possible but sill all the same keep an eye on it if it starts to move...he probably doesn't like the show your watching!oh yes and get better with him have some like celery or something for when commercials come on then you wont be board and he wont be hungry...

  8. If he is tame enough and trust you enough he should be calm enough to sit with you.

    But if not, just handle him a little bit each day until he learns to trust you enough.

    Bearded dragons normally become very attatched to their owner

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