
Would a bee sting a wasp if it destroyed it's self? Now put country/nation in its place??

by Guest65609  |  earlier

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Thanks Dr.




  1. I don't konw but all i know is that i hate wasps. I can't stand them.

    I was thinking the other day, do wasps sleep.?

    And if so when do they wake up?

  2. No it wouldn't. The rest of your question doesn't make sense.

  3. I am sorry but I don't understand your question.

  4. People will often sacrifice themselves for their families or children or anything they hold dear. Most people are capable of it without considering themselves heroes, it depends what you're up against and your options.

  5. I know what you are trying to say but look at the other side of the coin a wasp can sting a bee without harming itself.  

  6. A bee will only sting if it or it's hive is threatened. A bee's primary purpose is to protect the queen of the hive. If you are trying to ask why a country would fight another country with far superior military power using a bee example, it's because the bigger country tried to squish it or it's queen. A queen could be many things, whatever the country holds dear.

  7. So let me get this straight.... The wasp commits, the bee commits suicide by stinging the wasp and then replaces itself with a  Sorry, it probably sounded like a dazzling bit of inspiration after the third joint, but it makes bugger all sense to me.

  8. The world is messed up.. They would do anything for money/power/oil

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