
Would a car running on McDonald's french fry grease trap oil be considered "green"?

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Would a car running on McDonald's french fry grease trap oil be considered "green"?




  1. It would be carrying extra weight, but yes, it would be considered green.

  2. yes is it....!

  3. definitely

  4. Barely. One restaurant may provide enough waste oil to power one automobile. Not even a noticeable fraction of the total fuel usage. Basically waste cooking oil from all source might provide about 1 quart per person per month. The best reason to use the waste oil is to keep it out or the sewage.

  5. yes and using any kind of used cooking oil is considered green the product being used for fuel is called BIO DIESEL previously the old oil was discarded to landfills these days may large cities fuel there buss fleet on this fuel source it is considerably cheaper and it does the trick

  6. yea bro. i was watching this thing on tv the other day and these british dudes were renevating their house and they made their fuel from french fry oil. it was so cool.

    remember, no planet-no party

  7. The reason it is green is because you are REUSING something that would otherwise be disposed of.  It is also green because it is an alternative fuel and you are not depleating the petroleum resources of the world.

    Biofuels produce fewer harmful emissions during production and combustion and they reduce life cycle carbon dioxide to the atmosphere 78%, which is very important for reducing the build up of greenhouse gases.

    Of course everyone riding behind you will get the urge to go to Macdonald's (cause they can smell the fries) and that's not too healthy!

  8. Depends on the paint job, not the fuel it runs.


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