
Would a cold sore affect a nose piercing?

by Guest34093  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about getting my nose pierced but I get a lot of cold sores on my nose so I was kind of worried. Does anyone know if its ok for me to get it pierced?




  1. i'm not sure but it doesn't sound like a good idea.

  2. I'm currently in my 2nd year working as a piercing apprentice and if you have cold sores on your nose when you want to get it pierced they wont be able to pierce it as its advised not to pierce  on broken or inflamed skin. Try some cold sore cream then when the clear up you should be fine with getting it pierced once the piercing has healed it will be fine if you get any after that.

  3. I would advise against the nose piercing if you get cold sores on your nose.  At least wait a while and see if you can get the cold sores under control.  There is a very good prescription medication that can do that.  The absolute best treatment for cold sores is a prescription medication in pill form called Valtrex.  It was intended for genital herpes, but cold sores are caused by the same family of viruses, and Valtrex stops colds sores in their tracks.  None of the other treatments come close to the effectiveness of Valtrex, not the ointment Zovirax, and certainly not Abreva or anything else.  Ask your doctor about it to see if you would be a good candidate for this medication.  My doctor prescribed it for me for cold sores about five years ago and after taking it only a couple of times I hardly ever get a cold sore any more, and before Valtrex I was having several attacks a year.  On the rare occasions that I do get one now, it is gone almost immediately when I take the medication - in about a day.    Talk to your doctor about it, and if you start taking Valtrex when you have a cold sore, within a few months you might find that you are getting far fewer attacks, and maybe you can think about the piercing again them.  In the meantime, here are a couple of informative links.

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