
Would a cupcake tower or a wedding cake be better for my wedding?

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I'm getting married in June. It will not be a really formal wedding. I have seen so many beautiful wedding cakes that I love, but recently, alot of my friends have been telling me about these cupcake towers with designs and everything. They are cute. And I guess they're more modern nowadays, right? I'm 22 years old, so I don't want to be old fashioned, but do the cupcake towers look as nice as a cake?




  1. ooooo I just purchased a cupcake tower yesterday for my fall wedding this september and i love the idea you can decorate it with flowers and if you still want most towers you can place a small cake on top for you and your hubby to share...

  2. cupcake tower!  I had one and we all loved it!  I'm not a huge cake person but I wanted to have some tradition...I didnt want to shove things in each others face and all that so my cousin is a pastry chef and make our cupcakes (while and chocolate cake with white frosting) and we had our initials make in fondant on the top.  they were cute :)  plus guests could take extras home so I didnt have a freezer full of cake.

  3. I was at a wedding 16 months back they had those cup cake wedding cake but made with mud cake.

    Have to admit looked odd to me but they knew the lady who made them so she also had made some smaller conventional cakes as well.

    They have become very very popular and there is less wastage

  4. Wedding cake sucks!  I wanted to have pie or rice krispie treats at my wedding and my mom and husband talked me out of it by playing the tradition card.  Tradition is for people to choke down a dry little square of cake with so-sweet-it-makes-your-teeth-hurt frosting.  And don't tell me there are a better class of cakes.  They're just dry squares of cake with lemon puree stuck inside.  I've truly never had a piece of wedding cake that I thought was a great dessert, even at the fanciest weddings.  And they can get ridiculously expensive.  I say break the tradition.  (Sorry for the rant, but I feel a lot better!)

  5. cakes are romatic in its own traditional way. but i would go for the cupcakes.

    1st:its unique. many would chose the cake but if ur a thri seeker and adventutous type u can create ideas from these. when my hubby and baby are celebrating their bday i make them cupCAKES written each letters of their name per piece.its cute.

    2nd: u can be creative.making a tower of cupcakes is fun and a lot of work.but if u like to have it your own personal touch u can play and do arts with these.

    3rd:its special. since u can create ur own style ull never forget what ur wedding cupcakes looks like even if u get older.and even ur partner will enjoy it.

    4th:u can share it with all ur guest.everybody can have their bite at your wedding cupcake.since u want to share ur most unforgetable day share the cupcakes too...

  6. we are going with cupcakes... first of all half the cost of a cake... and some of them look really really nice...

    our baker has a really cool stand that she is letting us decorate how we want with the cupcakes on it.

    we are having a small 6 inch square cake on the top of the tower for us to cut and feed to each other... and of course my fiance wants us to use hte huge knife to cut a cupcake!

    good luck!

  7. It's all a matter of personal preference. Cakes are not old-fashioned, but cupcakes are very modern in this case. We opted for a small 2-tiered wedding cake with cupcakes arranged on pedestals below the cake. It was very lovely, and it allowed us to offer many flavors of cake to our guests.

  8. My husband and I are planning to get married in a big bash in 2010 - The first time was through the courts. Anyhow, we thought of each of these ideas and for us, we are going to get a Traditional Wedding cake BUT we are including a Cupcake tower ( mini) for  all young children.

    To me, a cupcake would be suitable for young children because they fly off of the handles with lots of sugar.

    You should for sure get a cake though, they look a lot nicer.

  9. If you like the cupcake tower add it as a desert option. The cake will feed more people and traditionally the top is frozen for the couple to eat while celebrating their first anniversary.

  10. ive never seen a cupcake tower but i have seen cupcakes made into a cake i say go for it ittl b unique and im sure ur older relatives will be amazed by it and if since not a really formal wedding i say it would b really cool.

  11. I personally like the regular cakes better, but they can get pricey. If this isn't as formal a cupcake tower might be the way to go. They have become very popular over the last couple of years. But, technically, it's your wedding, if you've always dreamed of a traditional wedding cake, go for that, you will only get married once (hopefully :)) You can have a wedding cake designed anyway you like it. I got married at 23 and my cake didn't look "old" at all. Good luck with the wedding planning, it'll be a lot of fun.

  12. Cakes are classic. Cupcakes are fun. I think it depends on the rest of the wedding- does it have a theme? Does it a certain design? I would go with whatever you are leaning towards, or whichever would go well with the rest of the wedding.

    And congrats!

  13. A friend of mine had a cupcake tower at her wedding and when I saw the pictures and imagined all of these people eating cupcakes at the wedding, I thought ehh, this is not a 3 year old's birthday party, it's your wedding. I was a little disappointed, I guess one is accustomed to seeing the traditional wedding cake.

    However, you may have found a better version of the cupcake  tower than the example I saw, so go with your gut, it is your wedding and you special day. You only get  to have a wedding once.

  14. I say do the cake, but you could do a small cupcake thing along with it , esp if you are expecting alot of children.

  15. they look just as nice if you have a good design and a great baker.  If you arent doing formal it can be very cute and save on cutting fees.  Plus you can do a few different flavors to make everyone happy.

    Have them make a cake for the top so you cans till cut your wedding cake!

  16. It won't look as nice as a cake but it will probably be more cost effective.

    My husband and I are going to have a belated wedding reception (we were married at the courthouse back in October) and we will probably go a route something like this.  I love baking and decorating cupcakes (I used to manage a bakery and it was one of my favorite things to do when my cake decorators needed help) so I'll probably do it myself.  Our reception will likely be really casual, though.

  17. I prefer the actual wedding cake. I toyed with the idea of the cupcake thing to, but I just couldn't get away from everytime I see them thinking of a birthday party. The wedding cake is more a symbolisim of a wedding to me! But you have to go with what you like best! Good luck deciding! :)

  18. A wedding cake is more traditional, but I love the idea of a cupcake tower. Seriously, is there anything cuter than a cupcake?

    If you want to wed tradition and trend, perhaps you could have a very small cake (one tier) that is decorated to look like a wedding cake, with flowers or fondant or whatever, for you and your husband to cut. Then you can serve your guests from the cupcake tower.

    I do think they look just as nice (though not as formal) as a traditional cake, especially if they are done elegantly, incorporating your wedding colors or flowers. Bakeries should be able to show you some pictures of what they offer, or you can take in some photos of ones you like. Below are some that I like.

  19. Use a cake.

    1: Cupcake will make you think your lover that your poor or something

    2: Wedding cake are old-fashioned and are used at pretty much every wedding

    3: New-Generation sucks

  20. I think it's a beautiful tradition to have a gorgeous cake but cupcakes are adorable too... however remember that you may want the top tier to freeze later (1yr anniversary?)

    This is what we're doing:

    Three tiers: Top and bottom tier are regular cakes that we cut and freeze. The middle tier is all cupcakes (mostly for the kids).

    We also ordered a big slab cake (same taste, same design, much cheaper!!) This way the servers can cut the slab quickly in the back and serve right away.

    Good luck :)

  21. I have seen pictures of them and they look very pretty.  I would have loved to have one instead of the cake I got, but I have too few people to make it look good.  I think they are a cute, and different option.

  22. If you want a cupcake tower then get one. They can decorate the cupcakes and make them any way you want and they are cheaper than a wedding cake. And not as messy.

  23. if you're going for a classic, formal wedding a regular cake might be nice. but the cupcake towers ARE really adorable. it's really up to you. personally, i think i'd go with the cupcake tower, just because it's easier and i'm not too worried about tradition or anything. either way, they're both good choices and they can both look great. congratulations on getting married, i hope all goes well. :)

  24. I love the cup cake towers, they are really unique at weddings.  I dont like doing the whole traditional thing. so I know at mine and my beaus wedding we are doing a cupcake tree! and its alot less messier than a wedding cake, and its something you dont have to worry about it breaking or anything before you get to the reception!

    ♥ Congrats & good luck!

  25. I think you need a formal cake, cupcakes are good for bday parties and other things but not weddings.

  26. Only get a cupcake tower if you won't regret not having that big beautiful wedding cake. Lots of women dream about wedding cakes, so please make sure you wont regret it in a year or so when all your friends are getting married and have big cakes. Seriously, don't mean to be rude but its something to think about. I'd suggest maybe a smaller cake and a cupcake tower so you can have the best of both worlds. I thought about cupcakes but decided that I would regret not having a wedding cake.

  27. You're probably better off with a regular cake.  The top tier on a wedding cake is supposed to be frozen and you defrost it 1 year later on your anniversary and eat it as a remembrance of the special day and for good luck.  It would be a little difficult to do that with a cupcake tower.

  28. i say go with both get a good size cake (not to big) so that way you can get the cupcake tower (you can never go wrong with both)  If you have kids at your wedding give them the cupcake (less of a mess)

  29. For a wedding that isn't really formal I think it would be perfect. I'm having an informal type wedding and I was going to go with cupcakes, but my fiance really wants a cake so that's what we're doing.

  30. Well, I'm doing a cupcake tower, because my wedding is a going to be quite casual and informal, but also because I hate cutting cake and I think it's a lot of hassle.  Personally, I think cupcake towers can look just as elegant and beautiful as regular wedding cakes, and you get a lot more opportunity for variety.  For instance, you can order 150 cupcakes in an assortment of five different flavors so your guests can choose.  I think that's a good option.  Here are some pics of cupcake towers that I've come across- see if you think they're nice-looking in your opinion.  Oh, and just so you know, though, regular wedding cake is still a very popular and "modern" option as well.

  31. Cupcakes are cute when you are 10. I would much rather have a nice cake to look at. A cake isn't old fashioned, its a timeless tradition.

    heres some pics to compare

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