
Would a degree in IT help in animation?

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I am currently doing a degree in IT. but was wondering if i should quit IT and go for another degree such as BA in computer sciences or arts and sciences???




  1. yes

  2. No stick with IT it will help you with animation and stuff trust me i did the same thing : ), oh and dont forget to east fluffys chicken :)

  3. I wouldnt quit, i think IT will help you greatly.. My partner is an animator and he did a BA Illustration...Maybe look into that too.

  4. Though knowledge of computer technology is useful to an animator, the short answer is: No.

    If you want to be an animator as a career, you need to study animation - either specifically animation, or an art-related course which includes it  (if you are studying traditional animation you will also be studying art anyway). Animation is a skilled and specific discipline, and not one you enter with no experience - an animation studio will not hire an animator who has no idea how to animate any more than a company would hire an engineer who knows nothing about engineering. :) When you apply for a job in animation you must supply a showreel demonstrating animation you have produced, which is something you develop in college.

    So if you know it's what you want to do, you will have to quit studying IT. Look for animation schools, or art schools which offer courses in animation. You will need to decide whether you want to study traditional 2D animation (requires good drawing skills), or CG animation (requires that you learn complex software packages - may well be better suited to you if you have been studying computers) as they are quite different disciplines. Look at the course descriptions to decide which you think might be more beneficial to you. As part of your course, or after it, you will probably take an internship with an animation company, which will be the on-the-job training you need and your stepping stone into the industry.

    A wonderful book to read if you'd like to learn about the animation industry and the kind of skills you will need is "Illusion of Life" by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston (famous Disney animators). Learning animation is hard work, but wonderful if you love to do it. Good luck!

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