
Would a father be in favor of custody if........

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the mom decided to give her child to her ex and still keep the the child support?




  1. Why are the mom and dad apart in the first place?  Sometimes, it's better for parents to be apart, but sometimes parents just want to work things out and realize that they themselves could be to blame.

    Whomever has custody of the child, the other parent (without custody) should pay the child support.  If the father has custody, than the mother should pay child support.  

    It is true and unfair that it is hard for men to win custody battles.  However, I see more and more men having custody of the children.  

  2. if the child resides with daddy it is mom that should be PAYING child support... the change would need to go through the court system to be official though

  3. if the child is in his custody he doesnt need to pay the mother...i would stop paying..what is the mother going to do? take him to court for not paying?  that would still work in his favor..but i would have custody papers drawn up so she doesnt try to take legal action against him

  4. Take her to court for  abandonment of child. If she had custody of him and is refusing to take him. You need to prove the mother is an unfit mother. you need to show proof that you have had the child in your custody and by him paying childsupport he is hurting his case.  

  5. im sorry to say but this question makes me sick, and if im wrong im sorry but it sounds like you dont want your kid you just want your ex to pay you. Being a mom is the best job in the world and i could never give up my child

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