
Would a feminist drink at this bar in Amsterdam?

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  1. Its a g*y snm and fetish bar. Amsterdam is a bit for the tourists, go to Rotterdam, much better.

    I didnt td you man, seriously

  2. that bar could just as easily be in New York City or LA....

    Why wouldn't a woman drink in that bar, feminist or not?

    If the drinks are good, the prices are right, the glasses are CLEAN, and the people are nice, sure.  

  3. If it's a hash bar, no, I wouldn't.  I'm allergic to marijuana smoke.  If it's a regular bar, sure, I might, if I wanted a drink.

  4. I imagine it would depend on the feminist.

  5. men-only and touristy apparently

    for me, that'd be a no then

  6. sounds kinda g*y really...i would expect to go in and find g*y men rubbing all over each other...and dancing.,,and having...tea. :D

  7. I would certainly be disgusted at the name and I have no intention of going to Amsterdam, but as long as they have my rye and Coke, I'm satisfied.

  8. Amsterdam has other areas too. The s*x bars are a small fraction.

    I also think Rotterdam is a boring dump.

  9. My guess is it's a g*y (male) bar. Women might not find it particularly interesting.

  10. I'm sure some do. It's a different society.

  11. Depends. Do they have good beer? Good beer supersedes all else.

  12. From the outside it looks like a maximum security cell.  h**l, I wouldn't even set foot in there.

  13. Definitely, those feminist women are fearless! ; ]

    lol I nominate Tracey to try it out first.

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