Tonight I was sitting here watching TV and I had the windows open. I started hearing a pretty loud noise almost like a baby screaming or a young girl screaming. It scared the c**p out of me, because one of my cats was outside. I only allow him outside because he's a pretty solid cat about 8 or 9 lbs, he's a bit of a hunter himself and actually a little scary looking with his beastly looking haircut. Anyway, I go outside when I hear a neighbor yell "its a fox!" I live near the foothills of Colorado, so foxes and other wildlife are common. But this scared me. I did put shoes on and went outside to see my cat standing there and the fox in the parking lot. From what I can tell this fox was either warning him or telling him it was his territory (really it's Ashton's). Reading some stories, I don't think so, but how common is it for a fox to attack a cat or would it just go away? I think I'll keep all cats inside for a while. That scared the c**p out of me! Thank you for any advice!