
Would a fox eat my scary looking cat?

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Tonight I was sitting here watching TV and I had the windows open. I started hearing a pretty loud noise almost like a baby screaming or a young girl screaming. It scared the c**p out of me, because one of my cats was outside. I only allow him outside because he's a pretty solid cat about 8 or 9 lbs, he's a bit of a hunter himself and actually a little scary looking with his beastly looking haircut. Anyway, I go outside when I hear a neighbor yell "its a fox!" I live near the foothills of Colorado, so foxes and other wildlife are common. But this scared me. I did put shoes on and went outside to see my cat standing there and the fox in the parking lot. From what I can tell this fox was either warning him or telling him it was his territory (really it's Ashton's). Reading some stories, I don't think so, but how common is it for a fox to attack a cat or would it just go away? I think I'll keep all cats inside for a while. That scared the c**p out of me! Thank you for any advice!




  1. Yes, a fox could definently kill your cat. It probably wouldnt eat it unless it was very hungry, but if it sees your cat as a threat it is very likely that it would attack. Also if your cat ran, it would probably chase it. Its sounds like you dont live in a very good area to have outdoor cats, is there anyway you can train him to become an indoor cat?

  2. Foxes and cat often get along....they are often seen outdoors close to each other, each minding their own business.  A cat is much too large for a fox to eat..foxes don't usually go after cats..but they might eat kittens.  Most of the time, cats are a lot more agressive than foxes, but they may still fight one another under certain circumstances.   Even though your cat may be safe from a is not safe from coyotes and other wildlife.  A coyote will take cats and even small dogs.  You should definitely keep your cat indoors if there is any wildlife around...or even other cats or dogs that might attack or kill your cat.

  3. Cats that have claws and that are in good health are generally too fast and a little too heavy for a fox.  However, a fox might occasionally make a run at a cat and sometimes succeed, but most of the time they would end up with their snout ripped to shreds from the cat, and not likely to try that experience again.  An older cat might get picked off pretty easily by a fox.   Coyotes are common where i live and they eventually get nearly all the cats that are not kept inside at night.

  4. maybe, if its hungry.

  5. Foxes are on the smallish side, it's possible it could attack your cat in search of a meal. However, it might pass on a larger cat. It could also end up in a fight with your cat and injure it.

    I've lived in rural areas most of my life. I don't let my cats out once it's dark. In my area I don't see foxes often if at all. I've got more of a Coyote issue, and they will snap up a cat quick.

    A large dog would be a good defense, not just to physically engage an intruder animal, but just to make a fuss. Most animals want an easy meal, not a fight or worse.

  6. No.  The domestic cat is too large a prey item for a fox.  A coyote might try though.  And a wolf for sure.  Sometimes domestic dogs will kill a cat.

    Cats should be kept inside all the time.  Cats are responsible for the death of millions of songbirds.  It is NOT natural and is illegal in many cities and states.  Both the Human Society and The Wildlife Society have official statement papers demanding people keep cats inside.

  7. could be rabies....

  8. i wouldn't doubt it .

    there's always raccoons getting into fights with cats, and other cats figthing cats and such . i wouldnt count out the fox for fighting anything that steps near it .

    so, if you have faith that your cat can defend himself, then let him out . skeptical ? keep him in .

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