
Would a full fairing motorcycle be completely impractical due to crosswinds?

by Guest59703  |  earlier

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I'm hoping it wouldn't be because it would be very fuel efficient.




  1. Crosswinds don't do much on any motorcycle; fairing or naked. There is more forward motion you are making so that crosswinds are barely noticeable, if at all.

  2. I find my RC51 cuts the cross wind better than my zrx1200r

  3. a fully covered motorcycle, fully enclosed, would catch quite a bit of wind and would likely be pushed around badly in a stiff crosswind, especially at higher speeds.

    my heritage has only a windshield, and i have sometimes been blown halfway across the lane by a strong crosswind.

    everyone here as ridden leaning sideways before due to crosswinds.

    most of those speed record bikes don't run when strong winds are blowing for just those reasons.

    at lower speeds, of course, there is moch less drift due to crosswinds, but a fully enclosed bike would still feel more push than a more traditional style.

  4. Yes it would be impractical to fully-enclose a bike, not just because of crosswinds though they will adversely affect the bike. The bike would also need some way of supporting itself when stationary, reasonably simple to engineer but adds more weight (as does the covering) – less fuel efficient, also the most efficient shape (teardrop) is aerodynamic – it wants to take off speed record bikes have an aerofoil to create drag to force the wheels back toward the ground.

  5. It makes so little difference toward actual gas mileage in everyday driving as to be virtually useless. It means that manufactures can sell a pretty bike without having to detail any of the engine parts and it makes some riders feel and look as though they are driving some exotic beast- add a few stick-ons and the illusion is nearly complete. Beyond that it merely makes the engine less accessible if your the one who has to tune it or find out where the problem is if you break down on the road. 75% of wind resistance is from the front- cross winds will force the bike to sway a little regardless of a fairing. Cross winds will sway you a lot ,however, leading to an uneasy feeling if you are in close traffic at freeway speeds regardless. Go for it, personal style is a part of motorcycling.

  6. NO.

    Most sports bike can be ridden safely in cross wind - just not gale force wind condition.


  7. No! if the winds are to harsh i'd get off the road and wait!! no matter how long!! Tornado??

  8. well, it also depends how often/fast you're travelling in the cross wind. you could choose a half fairing to reduce the drifting, or move faster to compensate.

  9. No , Cruiser full dresser do better in the wind than sport trash because of their low center of gravity. Wind effects all motorcycles some more than others.

  10. goldwings and f.l.h.t.c.u.i. are full dress full upper and lower fairing bikes and they do just fine.

  11. Impractical? no... i've driven my bike and seen plenty of other bikes on the freeway on rainy or windy days or crosswinds from semitrucks and no big deal.

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