
Would a full-throttle impeachment of Cheney really slow down the business of the U.S. government?

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d**k Cheney is the vice-president, not the president. Removing him from office would not be nearly as disruptive, and it would stand as a warning to Bush that he is next.

The Clinton impeachment was a Republican show.

The Cheney impeachment needs to be bipartisan.

Cheney has warned that he will refuse to honor any subpoena, which is against the law.

The Clinton impeachment took days.

So could a Cheney impeachment.

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  1. These 'rascals' will be out of office a little over a year from now. Get over it. Governments of all nations are shady, some more than others. The same goes for its puppeteers.

  2. *Thank you for the threat,of trying to control free speech.

    What good would it do to try and impeach VP.Cheney? On what grounds? Because he said he wouldn't answer to any subpoena's? That's not a violation of the law? Only IF he refused to answer to one served on him.  Even Then it's debatable.

    What really is amazing is most of you don't know what the responsibility of the Vice Presidents duties are concerning the Senate. He is the President of the Senate,his main capacity is tie breaker on votes,and to preside over and certify the official vote count of the U.S. Electorial College.

    You people need to get over your childish hunt for for something,anything,get even mentality.

  3. Short answer: no, it would not.

    Long answer: Impeachment proceedings would in no way obstruct the Congress from fulfilling its legislative duties.  Impeachment proceedings are conducted by the House Judiciary Committee, allowing for Congress at large to pursue their normal duties.  Former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, author of "The Impeachment of George W. Bush" makes a very convincing argument, stating:

    "In the case of Nixon, the House officially instructed the Judiciary Committee to act in early February, 1974; the Committee finished voting on Articles of Impeachment on July 29, less than six months later. No presidential impeachment proceeding had taken place for almost 100 years, so the Committee had to start from scratch, analyzing the constitution and developing procedures for the impeachment inquiry. Now the relevant legal spade work is done and a road map for proper impeachment proceedings exists, Congress could probably conduct them even faster than in 1974...During Watergate, the House Judiciary Committee conducted the impeachment inquiry. It didn't deter the rest of the House and the entire Senate from getting their work done, even with a war on. Even the Judiciary Committee also worked on other matters during impeachment, just as the Senate did during its trial of President Clinton."

    The Democratically controlled Congress has taken impeachment "off the table" due to the general view that keeping Bush/Cheney in office through the 2008 election almost assures strong Democratic victories, both in Congress and the White House.  I must note that I was a progressive program/field director in both 2004 and 2006, and I am disgusted by the Democratic inaction and disregard for the will of the people.  The argument that we should just wait it out ompletely misses the point.  By not pursuing, at the VERY least, aggressive investigations into the dismantling of our Constitution and the bedrock principles of our democracy, a very dangerous precedent is set.  Justice is, and should not be allowed to become, a political bargaining chip.  The crimes (yes, crimes) that have been committed have cost us our freedom, our prosperity, and most importantly, the blood of our sons and daughters and innocent civillians the world over.  p**s on the elections.  This is a case of treason, and should be treated as such.  No fleeting political victory is worth the lives lost and the risk that we now face.

    Impeach these people, or know that the downward spiral that we have allowed by complicity will be paid for to our detriment and our demise.

  4. Impeachment... get a life.

  5. He hasn't done anything illegal that you can prove.  Also there isn't enough time left in office to make it worth while.  Finally there wouldn't be enough support in Congress to make it any more then another waste of time and taxpayer money.

    You guys lost two elections, and once you took over congress, have failed to do much of anything.  Get over it.  They'll be gone in just over a year.  Deal with it and move on.  And STOP ASKING THIS QUESTION!!

  6. Ain't going to happen......remember Clinton lost his law license for this Republican show as you like to say........Wexler has no intention of following through with this. He made his intentions clear in 2006 after the elections. He is just going to throw so many investigations at this administration that they will be to busy dealing with them to run the country.....yep a real American there isn't he. Wexler is a fruitcake....just like the rest of the Democrats.

    d**k Cheney, (or President Bush for that matter) hasn't broken any laws......that's why Pelousi blocks all attempts at impeachment....she looks bad enough as it is.

  7. I say impeachment is too late for those jerks but I also say they should be held accountable for any crimes they may have commited while serving in the whitehouse and thus should be properly investigated and tried if need be when they are ordinary citizens.

  8. Exactly what would you impeach Cheney for ?

    What law has he broken ?

  9. it would only speed things up,bush is out any how,next time.

  10. Since the Vice President's only real duty is to preside over the Senate, which Cheney rarely bothers to do, impeaching him would affect almost nothing in the government, except maybe keep a few people out of trouble by keeping them busy.

    Cheney has about as much respect for the law as the average member of the Mafia.

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