
Would a good beating help in this case?

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a 5 year old takes a stick and swings it around. Parent ask him to stop. He refuses and takes a swing at the parent with the stick. Does this constitute a good beating for the child?

If not, what do you suggest!





  1. Are you kidding?  NO!  A good beating NEVER helps!  How does it look if the child tries to hit you, then you say, "No hitting", and then hit the child?  Besides, beating's abuse.  Nothing constitutes a good beating.  Sorry, pal, you'd better not!

  2. He is 5 years old you are 25++++? you are a parent and you are supposed to be teach ing a child what is right and  what is wrong- Violence begets violence-

    The nest  time such an occasion arises, take the  stick away, do not show how angry you are by way of language , being firm does not mean raising your voice or having a scary body language- take him to a room,  sit him down, use a firm voice but at the same time let him know you are not going to hurt him but just talk to him- let him cool off first if he is crying or screaming by just holding him down- then speak to him and tell him how using a stick and swinging it would hurt him and hurt you as well as break things- tell him- a 5 year old has a very short attention span so use few words and short sentences and  very simple words! Do this a few times, and once its over , be  normal- Stop him before he gets to a stage of swinging the  bat- Keep the  bat away from his reach

  3. Noo, hitting is never good, he's just 5 :( Parent should just lecture him on it or ground him or something.

  4. Duct tape

  5. Only if you want him to learn that hitting is ok....hitting a child to teach them not to hit is a "heres your sign" moment....really common sense should tell you that if you don't want a child to hit then teach them other ways to handle himself.

  6. Yeah he needs to be spanked, but the parent needs to control their selves when they take this action of discipline. If you don’t want to spank then try time out or having them sit down and talking with them calmly about what just happened. Most importantly you have to be consistent with your decision, and know that after you discipline you must tell them why you did what you did and show them that you still love them but as the parent you will not be disrespected.

  7. The adult reality is that if you hit someone significantly bigger than you with a stick you will get knocked on you glutamus maximus.

    The child should definately be deprieved of his stick and either restrained (so that he can not move) or spanked.  A child like this is truly desperate for someone to control him when he is out of control.  He will feel more secure with a hot bottom than he will watching his parents helplessly trying to talk him through a bunch of psychobabble he doesn't have the reasoning to understand.

    I know a bleeding heart knee jerk response is why is it OK to hit the kid, but not OK for the kid to hit the adult?  Because, dear blockhead, in the world the kid has to live in, it is OK for a policeman to use a billy club, but not OK for a civilian to assualt a police officer.  What this kid badly needs to learn about is respecting legitamate authority.

    All that having been said, his parents also need to take this wake up call to assess what violence the kid is exposed to.  If the home isn't violent, the entertainment probably is.  Saturday morning cartoons-gone. R for violence movies when the kid is in bed but probably awake enough to hear-gone.  Anything where hitting is praised gone.

  8. Personally? I would take it off him without bothering to be gentle, sit him down hard enough to shock (not hard enough to hurt) and say right in his face "I SAID NO."

    Kids do not get to refuse things I tell them to do. I'm the parent. If they don't do it by themself when asked, then I make it happen. A parent asking a small child to do or not do something important is not a discussion.

    But no kid EVER deserves "a good beating". That's abuse. (And yes, I do spank my children. If the reaction of my five year old after I'd done the above was verbal abuse or an attempt to hit me with the stick again, they'd be spanked. No means no, and defiance has bad consequences.)

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