
Would a good body make up for lack of experience?

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Do agencies and studios pick extras, models, and actors, based on if they have a six pack, or if they have experience? I've been thinking about getting into acting for TV Shows, Movies, and modeling, but I don't feel like paying for lessons.... so I figured my good looks has done good so far in life, maybe it could leave me some modeling and extra roles.




  1. There really is no definitive answer to that - it depends on the project and the production company.

    With bigger/professional companies for speaking roles, they will want people with experience. However, for extra roles, they go more for look than experience. And look doesn't mean that you need a six pack - sometimes they will look for people to play business men and other times they will need people to play fans at a rock concert other times they will need people who look like people from another time period - so it depends on the needs of the particular production.

    I'm not as familiar with the modeling industry, but I imagine it's the same thing - large companies dealing with big budget photo shoots will want models with experience. Smaller companies may be more open to new comers.

    If you really want to get into acting for film/tv without spending the money on lessons - look into indy films and student films. They may not pay, but you will gain experience, have something for your demo reel, make contacts, and work on interesting productions you'd never see done in Hollywood - all without spending anything more than gas money and time.

    Indy and Student films also don't demand prior experience as much as big budget films have to. They really want dedicated actors who are reliable and available - and sometimes they will take an actor who is available with a flexible schedule over someone with tons of experience and a tight schedule.

    To find auditions for these types of projects - check out Craig's list under talent gigs (I think) - always be cautious and use common sense when answering ads like this, but I know a lot of indy companies place ads here.

    Also check out Explore Talent. Now the thing with Explore Talent is that they charge money money for you to submit through them. Don't do this. You can look at the listing for free and then take any info you find in the listing and google it - and can usually find a direct way to contact the film makers and request an audition.

    You should NEVER pay for attending an audition or a registration fee or any bs like that. If they ask for money, just leave. There are tons of other legit opportunities out there - you're not going to miss out on anything - except being ripped off.

    When you audition for a film - you are also auditioning the company. Are they respectful, are they organized, are they running the audition smoothly, or are you sitting around for hours when there aren't that many people auditioning - just because they don't have it together? If they don't seem to know what they're doing running an audition, they're not going to be any better shooting the film.  You want to make sure that you're not going to be wasting your time if you accept a role with them.

    Sorry for the long-winded answer to your question, but I hope it has been at least remotely helpful. Good luck!

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