
Would a guinea pig like a 3 story cage?

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i have an old cage that looks as if made for a chinchilla or ferret or rats, i do not know if a guinea pig would enjoy a 3 story cage, do they like levels and use ramps?




  1. They might use the levels some but they need mostly a large ground floor with bedding and not wire or plastic grid under their feet.  The minimum size for one guinea pig is 2'x3' (and should be larger) irrespective of height.  However, even male guinea pigs should have at least one other as a companion (males can bond to each other without fighting) so the cage should be much bigger.  Here's a link on cage size:

  2. If it is built steep, don't use the levels at all. Maybe just take them out. Some guinea pigs like levels, some do not. But no matter what, it is most important to make sure they have enough floor space. They like to run around, not up. You culd do something like have hidey huts on a level or a hay rack, so that the whole bottom could be for running and then the upper levels could be where stuff goes. Just make sure it's not too steep so as they won't hurt themselves and make sure your guinea pigs will even climb up them if you leave the levels in.

  3. i have a guinea pig cage and i have just like a little loft only about 5 in off the ground, with a little ladder so they can get up there. they seem to like it. but i wouldn't go for a 3 story cage because they could fall off and hurt themselves. hope that helps :)

  4. No.

    Guinea pigs don't like using ramps and can injure themselves on them, including by falling off platforms.

    They need FLOOR space, not height, as it is unnatural for them to climb up.

  5. I have a guinea pig and have also seen the guinea pigs at Petsmart and they have a two or three story cage. I'm sure they would like ramps. My guinea pig likes to see over the edge of his cage and levels would be perfect for them.


  6. guinea pig's spines can't bend backwards so inclines are very hard on their bones.  if it is designed for rats/ferrets etc it may not be the best environment for a guinea pig.

  7. They cant use a 3 story because they will probably brek thier legs running up and down or get thoer legs caught

  8. i dont know. i think they like a ginourmous one level cage.

  9. No, that is not an appropriate cage for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs need flat surface space and most do not like levels at all. Levels can also be dangerous since their spines are not meant to bend the way a rat or a ferret's are.

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