
Would a healthc care system like this work?

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A three tiered system, where anybody with a job gets serviced by a type of Social Security Intitution that provided medical care, anybody that works for the State or Govermnet gets serviced by another institution like that exclusive to them. Every body else has two options, no money you go to Federal Clinics run by the government, private sector you go to the doctor of your choice and pay for it. The cost out of pocket for the first two is CERO because it gets taken away from your paycheck every payperiod, you pay a portion and your employer contributes another portion and you as an insured can insure your children, your spouse and even your elderly parents. The cost for the service by the government is assesed according to a socio economic study, you pay as much or as little as you can and the private sector is governed by the laws of the market. Also everybody would be free to go to the doctor of their choice if they can afford it, so workers and government workers would have the




  1. Seperating the government employees (including our lawmakers) from the rest of society would create a two tier system with the government sector getting huge advantages and greatly increased spending. This would further divide the country into haves and have nots. We need a single payer health plan that is the same for everyone and we can do this by putting everyone under the same umbrella. Ralph Nader has a very workable solution to the problem.

  2. I don't think it would work, because there is too much government involvement.  I can't think of a single government institution that runs smoothly and efficiently.  I think the healthcare issue is blown out of proportion by politicians scrounging for votes.  I think that many people are unisured by choice (by their own admission).

  3. Government should not be involved in the health care industry in any way. If I'm in good shape and take care of myself, I have the right not to buy health insurance. I also have the right to NOT pay for your medical care. Using the government to FORCE me to buy insurance or pay for yours is immoral, unethical, unAmerican, and just plain EVIL! If anybody other than the government did that they would be thrown in jail for theft and extortion, as they should be. Using the government to commit crimes does not make it right, it just means the police are protecting the criminals instead of prosecuting them.

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