
Would a hollowed out fence post make a good nest site for a bird?

by  |  earlier

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for the wild birds on my farm.




  1. If your fence post is VERY long.....

  2. In some cases yes - it depends on where the hollow is.

    When I was growing up in the country, we came across several Rosella nests in hollow fence posts.  Some had healthy babies, others the parents had deserted for some reason.

    The healthy nests were ones with the hollow where the strands of wire had rusted out, so they were in the side of the posts - the others were closer the top.

    If you are planning on doing this,  maybe arrange the post in such a way that it is protected  although open enough for easy access.

    Birds are pretty astute beings - they know where they feel safe  and if they like your offering, they will use it.

  3. Some may like to nest there although they often want more cover than a fence post can provide. They may just roost in there during the winter to stay cold and move on in the spring to a better spot to build a nest. Once they start nesting, the babies come and a fence post is probably too low to the ground. All kinds of animals could get in there and eat the eggs or even the baby birds.

  4. Not if you have cats around rather them being strays or pets.  Cats will climb up and get the bird.

  5. yes. brids r able to live in small spaces and its alot warmer in a feanc psot othere then a tree

  6. Not a Wolmanized post.

  7. yes sir I've done it.make  a  few .i love birds to .just beautiful.i feed and make homes for them,trying to out wit the squirrells!

  8. id imagine but theyd have to be small birds

  9. Definitely!! Put some nice nesty stuff in there and i'm sure they would nest in there.

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