
Would a human have a better chance surviving an encounter with a polar bear or great white shark?

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All things considered equal and in the wild.




  1. I think a human would have a better chance survivng an encounter with a polar bear. RAWR!

  2. Bad news either way.  With the bear,you are on land so if you survive the attack you can get to help. But the attack is pretty overwhelming.  With the shark you are at sea so you have to swim with your leg gone and that's tough.  Sharks usually bite once and stop because  they realize that you aren't a seal.

    Next time i want you to ask who would win if a shark fought a polar bear.  It could happen.

  3. well, they are both dangerous and are potentially deadly if you get attacked by one. There haven't been too many polar bear attacks, but from what I hear, they seem much worse and hardly ANYONE escapes a polar bear attack. Your chances of surviving a shark attack are greater.

  4. You will have more chance surviving a polar bear attack

  5. A great white shark, because the shark would likely ignore them. If they were splashing about or bleeding, it might take a bite, but even then, once it recognizes you're not something it usually eats, it lets go. Usually sharks mistake people for food, but a taste is all it needs to distinguish. That's the reason most people who have "shark bites" live to tell about it.

    More people die a year from coconut related deaths than shark related deaths. (Coconuts falling on heads, allergies, etc)

    A polar bear would be more likely to finish what it started.

  6. You would have a better chance surviving a Great White because sharks do not like the taste of humans and they will spit you out (most of the time) after they take a bite.

    Polar bears however do not care what you taste like, they will eat you up like a tasty __________(enter your favorite cookie here)!

  7. The great white.  Polar bears are one of the very few animals in the world that look at people and see food.  Most shark attacks are cases of mistaken identity (shark thinks we're a seal or sea lion)  while polar bears have been know to stalk, kill, and eat people on a regular basis.

  8. the shark i'd guess.

    most white shark attacks are exploritory and are not intended to kill, and if it was, a stout punch on the nose or eyes or gills would stop the shark, whereas the polar bear is much more intelligent and has claws and teeth to attack with, and while not many polar bear attacks have been recorded, i'd guess most could been fatal

  9. Definitely the shark. It'll spit a person out when it realizes he isn't a seal. Polar bears are naturally aggressive and from what I've heard, they'll attack for fun. Not to mention, they're starving and desperate considering the ice-caps are melting and food is scarce.

    Last year the Global Shark Attack File records 69 unprovoked attacks of which five were fatal.

  10. Polar bear

  11. a polar bear as you can run and jump hide and climb if you encounter a great white shark it can swim faster than you and you have no chance if its hungry!

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