
Would a landlord evict over grease marks on walls

by Guest64990  |  earlier

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if you intend on painting it before moving out and pay rent on time and keep the place clean others wise, would they kick you out over just grease marks on the walls?




  1. If you pay your rent on time, most landlords won't unless you are in a city where apartments are in high demand, such as NYC. Otherwise, they will simply take it out of your deposit when you move.

  2. No way.  

  3. Hiring a lawyer for minor legal problems can be expensive, but there are websites like LawGuru, FindLaw and other places where you can get free legal advice. I found this website useful -

  4. Grease can draw bugs, as they are made from food or crayon. To not come off when you clean usually means that the paint used is flat paint.  Put on some gloves and use some bleach water or Soft Scrub that has bleach in it (only if the walls are white).  If it comes off, then you are still going to have a stain, a really white one.  So then you paint.  It doesnt matter if you are on Section 8 (that what you are on) or not, the cleanliness rule still applies to you.  

    You didnt say how old the kids are, but you need to have a little bit more control over them.  They could cause more damage that can get you kicked of assistance if bad enough.


    Every tenant SAYS that they were going to paint when they move.  If I had $1 for every time I have heard that, I would be rich by now.

    However, I would have taken it out of your security deposit (if there was one).  If there isnt a deposit  (like many Section 8 tenants), then I would be making you repair it now too.  I make inspections every 6 months and any damages done by the tenant are to be done within 7 days of the inspection.  If not done right and by the reinspection on the 8th day, I contract it out and the tenant gets the bill.  Its the only way to minimize damages at move out.

  5. No...but since that can be a fire hazard...they can require you to clean it immediately.

    BTW....not cleaning it now is just gross!!!!!!!

  6. Of course each state is different, but it's hard to see how this could be grounds for eviction.  Generally, to end a lease agreement, the landlord has to show that you materially breached the contract.  This seems like a pretty minor problem.

    That said, if you're in a month-to-month lease or if you want to renew after your written lease ends, you'd better be careful.  In those situations, a landlord doesn't need any reason to evict you.  He just has to give you the proper notice for your state.

  7. He could if he really wants to get rid of you, so don't become a nuisance by paying rent late, etc.  When you are ready to paint, first put a coat of Stain Kill over the stains otherwise the grease may still show.

  8. The bottom line is yes.

    He has to give you 30 days to clean the mess though.

  9. Good Lord, simply clean the wall now.

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