
Would a low amount of gigs on a partition effect my computers performance?

by  |  earlier

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I have 149 gigs on my HD total, I've made another partition because I want to dual boot onto XP, I currently have vista and I'm sick of it.

Its only letting me take 49 gigs from C:.

I've already partitioned those 49 gigs onto a partition called E: that I'm planning on putting XP on.

Would the 49 gigs make it slower?

Its not letting me shrink my C: down anymore.

I want to shrink it, but when I push shrink, it says 0, meaning I can't shrink the partition down anymore.

would only having 49 gigs on XP(Even if I have more gigs on another partition) effect the performance at all? Thanks!




  1. No. Many users, like me, assigns the OS a small-sized partition while the rest of the harddisk become Data partition[1]. 49 GBs is more then enough for a typical XP installations and programs (Vista requires 12 GB for its own system files, XP much less)

    [1] This is useful when reinstalling the OS, since I only need to format the OS partition while the data partition is intact. A useful tip: move My Documents and Desktop to the Data partition.

  2. only once uve ran out of space !!!

    and unless u store alot of movies and or games on that partition, u should be fine for a while !!!

    have a nice day ! :)

  3. My older PC has only 40GB with 512MB of RAM and is running Windows XP Pro. I made 2 partition which is 25GB on C: and 15GB on D:.

    It is still running normally with 25GB on XP Pro. The only lagging would be the cause of the aged of my PC which is 6 years old.

    Oh! If you have a Windows Vista installed, you are not able to install XP to make it dual boot. Since XP is the older version, Vista won't allow you do that. Unless you do it vice versa.

    Install XP first, then Vista next.

    Perhaps, you gotta format your PC completely in order to do that.

  4. I only have 30 gigs total, and I run Windows XP Home Edition.  My computer runs at normal speed.

    This makes me a counterpoint example to your question, so I would say no.

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