
Would a low white cell count be an indication of cancer, even if the count were low by very little?

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had some blood work done,as i am pregnant and it came back that my iron level is low....taking iron for that and my white blood count is low too....but only by a little...doc didn't seem concerned. thank you for your thoughts on this...i am going to be seeing my family doctor on monday (it is saturday today) and will be asking him about this, but thought i would see if anyone has a little insight they could share here. thanks again....very much...and to those of you on here that are fighting cancer...keep up the good fight, you are all hero's!! husband and daddy to our 5 year old and soon to be new born son has been fighting cancer for 5 years and i know that you all fight like soldiers!!! you are inspiring!!! we froze sperm so that we could build our family and are very, very fortunate as my husband continues his amazing fight!!!




  1. Absolutely not.  Given your husband's illness, it's understandable that you would be concerned.   If your count is low by a little, this doesn't mean you have cancer or any other serious illness.  If the count is low by a high number, then you increase the chance of serious infection.  Not disease.  Concentrate on your pregnancy and don't worry too much as it passes over to the baby. Instead of taking iron pills, I would rather eat iron rich foods (broccoli, lentils, beef liver). Take good care of yourself so that you can take care of your husband and all the little ones to come.  God Bless you and your family.  And please don't worry too much.  On Monday, tell your doctor your concerns.

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