
Would a nation's economy never go up if evil folks threatened attacks when the stock market goes up?

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but not when the market goes down?

This is kind of scary but wouldn't this fear tactic keep a nation's economy down forever?

How is the best way to deal with evil terrorists who use conditioning such as "We will attack if the Yankees win the World Series"

"We will do this if the stock market rises?"

"We will do this if company XYZ makes over a billion dollars next year"

How do you offset conditional terrorism such as that?




  1. why not just quit letting our govt fall into the hands of special interest groups who bribe our politicians into formulating their own greedy corporate agendas against weaker countries that have abundant resources that these big businesses want to sell to us and make a fortune for themselves at a big expense of tax dollars that ordinary americans have to pay for, but don't have nearly as much of a reward from their imperial conquests as they do

    when you compare how much trickles down to how much terrorism and cost of fighting the terrorism is, our nation is losing when you look at the big picture

    terrorists are not jealous of our wealth and they do not hate our freedoms or religions. they hate us for letting our corrupt government foreign policies trying to impose a way of life on them that's not theirs and capitalizing on their resources in dishonest ways. we wouldn't want other nations doing it to us even if they said they thought it would be in our best interests

    that's what the fighting really all about

  2. After 9/11, our country invested heavily in defense and reconstruction companies.  The result is that any threat works to the advantage of the stock market.  Actual attacks and wars will have positive impacts, over the long term, on financial markets in this country.

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