
Would a nationwide meat boycott stop the abuse of animals?

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Yahoo news tell of a massive meat recall because of downer cows (sick and diseased) being abused to force them to stand so that they can be slaughtered.

Animals are abused, canabalized (causing mad cow disease), and live a life of h**l just to become our food. I couldn't watch the video of the torture ( ).

Would you stop eating beef for a day, a week, a month, a year to force these corporations to change their ways?




  1. Sorry. No can do.

    Instead of crying over cattle in California, why don't you worry about the PEOPLE being slaughtered in Darfur? Or the muslim woman being oppressed in Saudi Arabia?

  2. lol,yeah.will get right on that.

  3. No.  Cow is good eatin'

  4. Only cattle? What about sheep. pigs, chickens, geese, ducks, fish, deer, buffalo, moose, elk and rabbits? And don't you know that plants are living things too? What are you going to eat then? What an idiot.

  5. Well it is Lent so all of us Catholics are not eating meat on Friday.  Good Friday is comming up here too, so if you are planning something, that would be a great time!

  6. A national ban on meat would turn me into a cannibal, and I think that I'd start with ever vegan/vegetarian I know.

  7. Ask Oprah, she seems to be the former authority on that question.  But, no, it would not help.  There are too many people who depend on red meat for their livelihood and it would not become that big a deal to all those people who eat meat.

  8. my burgers....but would refuse to buy them from companies that are abusive

  9. If everyone stopped eating meat for a day wouldn't that cause excessive cows which could possibly do more harm than good.

  10. Apparently people vote with their wallets and their mouths.  If you love cows so much, why don't you raise money and buy them before they are killed. Not eating them is not sufficient, a boycott is the sissy way out.  Bleeding hearts need to do something instead of just complaining.  You see a problem with killing and eating cows, why not get a solution to the problem. Buy the cows and let them live in a pasture somewhere until they die of old age and then let people eat them. I would pay double for that beef, since I don't like them suffering and you could actually make money.

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