
Would a new arena attract more Wings fans?

by Guest56315  |  earlier

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We all know about the attendance issues at the Joe Louis Arena that the media comments on. I don't care if the Wings don't sell out every game personally. The economy is in a hole, along with many other reasons why the JLA is not full.

If the Illitch's were to build a new arena (say 21000-24000 capacity) downtown, with adequate parking and entertainment facilities (concourse, restaurants, bars) would this boost attendance? Say the prices stayed the same or increased slightly to see the Wings in a new arena as opposed to JLA?




  1. I don't see it's going to make much differance where the arena is. If the money was there or not...

  2. I am opposed to a new arena. Here's why:

    Home ice advantage will vanish. The Joe is a tough place to play for visiting teams for a lot of reasons; from the ice surface, to the home team knowing the quirks of the building, to the measly accommodations the visiting team gets. In a new arena, these things all go away. Will they be replaced by other things that give the Wings a huge advantage? Don't count on it. Mystique goes a long way and it's hard won over a period of time.

    The men p**s in troughs in the men's room. You can't get more old time hockey than that.

    The new arena won't be Joe Louis Arena anymore. There will be some ridiculous corporate name attached to it. Prepared to cheer on a team that plays at the Pamper Center?

    Remodel: Yes

    New Arena: No

    HeavySoviet- Illitch has plenty of money.

  3. I can't really claim to know... it seems like the economy is pretty hard hit right now in detroit, and michigan as a whole. The rustbelt.

    So a new arena probably wouldn't change much. I'm not sure, but from what I've seen of the pistons games they're not doing great in playoff attendance either. Yet people just mention how the redwings are doing. Explain that to me.

    I will say, to you redwing fans, your team is probably going to win the cup. If your not excited you don't deserve to watch hockey.

  4. for about a year then it would just go back and be worse than before.

  5. No money to build a new arena!

    Vinny - Yes, but why waste that money to build a new rink?

    Leave the JLA alone. The Mellon Arena attracts plenty of people and it's older then the JLA.

  6. No!!!!!

    Do not get rid of the Joe. It is one of the few arenas not named after a sponsor.

    The problem with empty seats is the economy/gas prices. People can't afford the tickets.

    Keep the arena, lower prices ( at least for some games that have low attendance) or have radio contests for games with lots of empty seats. The fans are there, they just can't afford to go. A new arena will not solve that.

  7. I think there are a lot of thing that are contributing to the lack of attendance for Wings games, but I dont believe the building is one of them.  The only way I see a new building making a difference is if they moved it a few miles over to Windsor.

  8. I think the only way it would attract more fans is if they built it closer to the suburbs. Either that or closer to Commerica Park/Ford Field

  9. No.....I love going to the Joe.....I don't see a need to waste money on  a new rink.........

    Seats are sold out as it is.........

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