
Would a nice guy make a good bf? b/c i dont think they will?

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I have a friend, he is just so good hearted and kind to everyone. He helps everyone with their stuffs and he always makes sacrifies for them.

He is a very good natured guy. However i am not sure if in a relationship he will treat his gf more more special?, or he will treat her nicely as he does with everyone else. Or maybe a little better than he treats other people, but not that much better since he is too nice to everyone? I have this guy and i am afraid to be his gf because of this..




  1. hes going to be a boring BOYFRIEND

  2. Being nice and being a pushover and a doormat are two different types of men.... you need a guy that's a good mix. That treats you well, but knows how to keep you on your toes and has a mind of his own.

  3. nice guys make the best husband.

    there is a bf i keep just for marriage.

    he is geeky and nerdy, but gentle and generous.

    he is away in college studying and I am at peace he will never cheat.

    i have two other boyfriend i keep for fun.

    one older and financially stable. for trips and stuff like that.

    the other just to hang out with.

    much later when i reach about 30 and my nerdy boyfriend is financially stable enough to take care of me I will marry him.

  4. they don't want those nasty ones beleive me. A good heart isn't selfish or for 1 person

    pls answer;...

  5. i think a nice guy would make his gf feel even more special

  6. it's nothing wrong with dating a nice guy but looking for him to just do nice things for you is wrong. You never know the happiness he may bring to the relationship. Just ask yourself are you willing to do the same for him.

  7. that doesnt make any sense.

    so your saying youd rather date a d**k head because if he treats other people like SH*T? so it will seem like you are treated good.

    you dont want to date a guy becuase he is nice to other people? i can, in no way, understand that.

    even if he treated you the exact same way he treats other people he will be a GREAT boyfriend. you already know that. so what could possibly be wrong with that?

    nice guys are the best boyfriends.

  8. I think he would definitely put extra effort into making his girl, feel twice as special. I hooked up with a guy, who had a good heart, and he treats me so good. No regrets at all :) I don't see why you would be afraid. Worse thing that could happen, is that he treats you the same way he treats others, and if that happens, tell him that you don't feel special, that you feel like just another person out there, another friend. If he's such a good guy, like he sounds, then I'm sure he will change quickly.. Good Luck :)

  9. girl he will prolly be a great boyfriend  

  10. Oh, no, of course not!  You don't want a NICE guy for a boyfriend!  They're the worst! Always treating you good and stuff!  Taking you to nice places and buying you nice things!  You want a bad @$$ who will knock you around and give you some nice big black eyes so you can save on eye make up!  :p  

    What kind of an idiot are you?

  11. well if he is a good guy then of course he would treat his gf nice and with respect

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