
Would a normal hamster fight with a dwarf hamster?

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hi yesterday i brought home a hamster and when my brother saw it he wanted to get one too except he wanted to get a dwarf hamster.. if they where in the same cage would they get along with each other?




  1. no. hamsters are loners. they would like to be alone. they are also territorial. so if u make them share territory fights are likely to brake out. out of my experience u dont wanna have hamsters in the same cage. females squabble and little scratches appear, and males fight to the death. and babies will appear if u put a male and female together. get seperate cages.

  2. Hi, To answer your quetion: YES. Syrian hamster (normal hamster) are solitary and will most definitly fight and even more likely kill your dwarf hamster.  Although syrian hamsters like to live alone dwarf hamsters will enjoy living with other hamsters of the same s*x and species. Hope this helps.x

  3. The syrian will kill the dwarf.

  4. A syrain "normal hamster" are very territoral meanin they will kill eachother if they live in the same cage. they will even kill there own Brothers/sisters after a certain age.

    Dwarfs on the other hand love other dwarf hamsters. There is a rule to this though they have to be from the same litter and have to be the same s*x. (Or else you will end up with little pups). If they are not from the same litter you can have fighting.

    So If your brother wants a dwarf he should get two as they will love the companionship. But if you get two provide Two water bottles and two food dishes to reduce fighting.

    This is a good cage for your brother to get.If he wants two dwarfs.its also good for 1 dwarf.

    Ps There is no Normal hamsters. there is either Dwarf or syrain.

  5. Dwarf's are territorial and very fierce when it comes to other hamsters, even their own breed at times. I would get your brother a second cage.

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