
Would a package of Furcal and Putz have any trade value right now?

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Seems like Furcal keeps getting his DL time pushed back. Now is not coming back until after All Star Game. Putz has the elbow injury and has had bad numbers now.

I have Furcal in my DL spot and have Tejada playing SS already.

I have Percival and Sherrill as my RP.

Could a package of Putz and Furcal be worth anything?




  1. No. Even though the other guys you get are hurt, they have very high numbers when not hurt and Dice-K is coming back this weekend. They have been known to produce without injury. Furcal probably will produce after his time on the DL, but I don't think Putz will be that effective after coming back

  2. No not really. You might be able to trade Furcal but if you need to get rid of Putz, just drop him. You can always get him back after his DL time is over. No one else is going to take a shot on him unless their team is really bad.

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