
Would a person have to "wear a disguise" to shop at WalMart so his friends wouldn't see him go in?

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Since WalMart is rabidly anti-American, wouldn't a person need to enter incognito to escape shame and ridicule of friends and family?

After all, WalMart is largely responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of American jobs, and therefore huge contributors to the current economic downturn.

Can't buy stuff or make house payments if you don't have a JOB, you know.




  1. Walmart is cheap

  2. They could save the trouble of the disguise and just not shop there

  3. You'd think that Americans would care about these issues because that is all they complain about in the media and to the politicians.

    But because of Wal*Mart's antics, they can sell stuff cheap.

    And saving a whole dollar on a few items is WAYY more important than job security, don't ya think?

  4. No one I know personally does, but we're not the most patriotic lot.  We applied our brains, realized the US isn't as infallible as it claims, and decided America deserves whatever it has coming to it.  If our politicians deem it's better to preserve certain people's right to make a profit, even at the expense of thousands of other people's jobs, then they deserve the inevitable civil unrest.

  5. yes you would.  i suggest going to walmart to buy a disguise.  you can save money.  all your friends who have nothing better to do except sit in walmarts parking lot to see who is going in, will never recognize you.

  6. Since I save 40% on my grocery bill by shopping there, I will continue to do it.  By the way, Wal-Mart is the second largest employer in my county.  It is too bad that Sam died though.  He wouldn't have put up with the company and what it has become.  I bet he is rolling over in his grave.  

  7. Walmart also sells American made products, and because they sell them at large volumes for cheaper, they keep the production lines open and keep the little guy in the loop.

    To tell you the truth, there is no reason to shop at some little store, My family had a small store and all I can say is they pretty much just sit back and make money for doing nothing. They give nothing to society, they are just middlemen. They should go out and get a real job and make something useful for society.

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