
Would a pet hamster be ok in a hamster ball with a dog in the house?

by  |  earlier

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they both dont get along all that well, but they dont hate each other, please please help!




  1. Under supervision only. A friend of mine did this years ago & her lab knocked the ball apart & picked the hamster up in his mouth. He didn't hurt him at all thankfully. Also stay away from stairs!

  2. If your dog isn't mischevious

    But still your dog could get curious

    And start rolling your hammie around

    and who know where that could lead to... :|

  3. the hamster balls suck myne always get out i have 5

  4. lol i have a vice versa story. my dogs are TERRIFIED of the hamster rattling around in her ball, she's figured this out and charges after them!!! so it could be okay, but under supervision at all times!!!

  5. I think it would be better not to take any chances, hamsters are very fragile and the smallest accident can become fatal. If the dog attacked the ball it could break and it could get to the hamster, or the dog might see the moving ball as a toy and attempt to play with it, which would also be horrible for the little hamster. Maybe take the hamster's ball into a small room with you watching over it, and lock the door so the dog can't get in and harm your hamster.

  6. well the dog could scare him but if the lid on the hamster ball is tight and u r sitting there he should be find

  7. Yes they would if your were watching but don't let the dog play with the ball because it might break and the dog would kill the hamster because one time my cousin's hamster got out and their dog found it and had the hamster in its mouth and they took it out of the dog's mouth and it had a wound on its stomach so don't let the dog get near the ball. The cap might fall off to and the hamster could get loose and your hamster will probably end up like my cousin's hamster. Good Luck!

  8. lock the doors to a room, let him run in the ball the dog might think- cool ball toy! and pick it up in its mouth. he proably wont know there is a hamster in there!!! the hamster will die of fright.

  9. probably not the dog may think its like a toy and you may not have a hamster anymore...i wouldnt take my chances

  10. as long as your dog isn't overly aggressive. if your dog is super hyper and loves to play, he/she might harm your hamster. i'd just put the hamster in a bedroom or something away from your pup.

  11. I wouldnt put them alone together if the dog wanted to it could kill the hamster very easily. It could slam the ball against the wall, not a very good idea. Better to put them in seperate rooms.

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