
Would a piercist pierce over a tongue scar?

by Guest32188  |  earlier

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I had my tongue pierced but had to take it out because I had tonsillitis, I was unfortunately left with a large scar because my tongue ripped a little bit due to coughing because of the tonsillitis. I would like to get my tongue pierced again and would like it to be pierced over the scar because I'm scared that if it were pierced in another spot and the piercing ripped it would rip into the old scar and I would be left with a rip in my tongue over 5mm or so. If it is pierced over the same spot is it likely to rip again? Will it heal around the piercing? and will a piercist agree to pierce over the same spot so that if it rips again it would be just the same size rip as last time?

Here is a pic of the scar (not an attractive photo obvs)




  1. I'm sure it would be fine, best thing to do is go ask the piercer, no doubt every place is different, some might do it, some might not, so just go ask I'd say!

  2. Or a racist race over a Tong's car?

  3. yes. lots of people have scars pierced!

  4. I don't think you can pierce through scar tissue.

  5. yeah you can pierce through the scar tissue, it will just hurt more this time than it did last time

  6. Yes they can!

    I had my belly button peirced and it got ripped out so i had a scar on my belly button but after a year or 2 i wanted to get it peirced again and they did it for me!

    My little sister wanted to get her tongue peirced because i had mine done, she tried to change the bar to early and it got all infected and swollen, she now has a scar on hers as well, but the peircer said he would do it for her again when the swelling went down which it did and she has it done again! but no changing the bar for a while yet lol

    So yes you can get it done again!!

    Hope i helped x*x

  7. If they did pierce it again...that would hurt like h**l! Scar tissue is tough....ouch!

  8. Im sure they could, if they can pierce a tongue I dont see why its not possible to pierce through a one pierced hole.


  9. Depending on how long you had it pierced before you took it out it could be that the hole is just shrunken and not completely closed.

    All healed piercings have some amount of scar tissue where they have healed around the jewellery this is normal.

    I had my tongue pierced for about 3 years. I took it out 4 years ago and I thought it had closed up but I recently was able to put it back in with a 1.6mm taper pin, it was a bit angry and sore for a couple of days but now it's fine again.

    Go to a good place and speak to an experienced body piercer (I've spoken to less experienced people at body piercing studios who have told me that what I've just done is impossible and that the tongue heals up immediately - this is not true).

    From the look of the photo, you might be able to get it back in with a small taper pin, at the very least re-piercing it will be less traumatic than than when you originally had it done.

    Hope this helps.

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