
Would a portable GPS device be okay to use on an airplane?

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Would a portable GPS device be okay to use on an airplane?




  1. I use one in my airplane all the time!! It helps you double check your navigation.

  2. From personel experience and what knowledge I have on the issue, I can say that it is ok.  The wireless signals do not interfer with the airplane frequencies.  Even though this is true, piolets recommend not using them just to be safe.  You can bring it on the plane and see if any of the flight attendents say anything, the worse they will do is to tell you to turn it off.  If you bring it along you should keep it on the down low, some attendents don't mind. =)

  3. I have tried that on my flight from MCI to ATL and it didn't work.  I was hoping to track the speed of the flight realtime but the plane was moving so fast that I couldn't stay in constant contact with the satelites to provide me enough data.  My screen just kept saying not enough satelittes.

  4. I always use my Magellan ColorPro

  5. Yes, since it only recieves signals and doesnt emit them. A gps would fall under the same category as MP3 players meaning that they must be turned off and stowed during taxi, takeoff, landing, or any time the aircraft is below 10,000 feet. The Cabin Crew will tell you on your flight when it is ok to use the GPS and when you have to turn it off.

  6. It depends on the airline.  I know some airlines include GPS systems on their list of "always prohibited" electronics.  Others don't say anything about it.

    I can't vouch for the accuracy of this list, but I did find this online:

    I'm also not sure if you can actually get enough GPS satellite signals in the back of an airliner for it to work, but if the airline allows it, it's worth a try!

  7. As long as it is not a GPS thats packed with explosives. Dont even try to bring that kind on board!

  8. That is an ongoing debate currently.  I know some planes I have been on have specifically stated that they are not to be used.   In reading the linked article below, it states it is up to the individual airline.  

    GPS system use very little power in their reception and should not be an issue according to this article.  

    If I were on a plane and told not to use it, I would politely power it off to avoid a confrontation and possible charges upon landing.  While you are in the air, the flight crew is in charge.

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