
Would a "One World Government" ever be possible? Will it ever happen?

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Actually, I think it could happen.

Amalgamation of governments is something we see at various levels. It is done to cut costs and create more uniformity of services.

Also, with increasing technology, we may see travel from one continent to another much quicker than ever before. And we are more and more living in a global village every day.

On the other hand, there are more nation states on the planet today then there ever was in history.

What do you think?




  1. Disputes over what language to use, what currency to use, etc... would prevent this from ever happening.

    I think the story in the bible about the tower of Babel is meant to be an analogy as to why a one-government society will never last.

  2. Are you concerned about the efforts to create a One World Government?

    You should be.

    There is definitely a group of people (commonly called the “elite”) who are intent on creating this New World Order.

    Many of them refer to the New World Order as a “utopian” society.

    However, this is misleading because they don’t always disclose who will be living in a “utopian” way.

    The “fruits” of life will go to the wealthy elite. The “common” people will be nothing but work slaves or outright chained up slaves.

    Yes, that’s the future we have to look forward to unless radical change is made to the current political/world events tide.

  3. shucks they cant quit fighting long enough to do anything.Dont think it will come to pass

  4. yes

  5. yes and yes..its on the way

  6. Yes eventually it will but it will take some time. 30 years ago a fall of Iron-wall seemed impossible and unification of Europe seemed to far fetch. There are steps that humanity needs to take to establish a one world government. Few of them are as follows:

    1- Electing a world body government who is truly represented.

    2-Elemination of prejudges (that means national, racial and religious)

    2- Selecting One world language as a standard.

    3- Selecting a common currency

    4- Elimination of borders

    5- Elimination of Poverty and world hunger.

  7. this would be a horrible thing cuz it would even out people and for one to come up one gotta go down and guess whop is at the top bad idea man i am telling u europe knows its a dying breed its why the union came to be just not strong enough to stand on thier own any more

  8. yes -it's a possibility-take more decades.

  9. What do you think the people in Washington D.C. are doing?  

    Give them time, there is a lot of planet earth to conquer.

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