
Would a second American Revolution(to end the stilted bipartisan cartel)improve Washington?Would you remain..?

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loyal to them or to saving the Republic freedoms from their hold up?

since them dont seem to work for the common good of the Citizens and are taking away freedoms,rights,even gambling with american lives.

The American Revolution was prepared and launched by a minority of conspirators under secrecy,with a split backing of citizens that followed while others remained "loyal"?




  1. If by Revolution you mean the violent overthrow of the government.With a corresponding collapse of the economic system.I'd say no to ending partisanship.Whatever factions remained would fight over whatever was left.Would I remain?I'd have no other choice.The Economic collapse would plummet the entire world into a depression.Unlike any in history.Poverty and starvation would engulf every nation.There would be no place to go.

  2. I think its long overdue.  

    I'm in a union, and the union sent out an email yesterday say that they have no clear candidate that they can back for the upcoming presidential election.  Which does not bode well for our union.  We usually back some democrat.  With that kind of c**p going on, we need the whole system revamped.  When it costs over 50 million dollars to run for president, guys like us don't matter.  Whoever gets that kind of cash and gets elected will be working for the people who gave them the most money.

    Its a fallacy with our system.  Not too many people can think outside the box like us though ;)

  3. Would you rather be "Red" than dead ? What in God's name are you ranting about?If you feel your rights are being trampled leave and go to Venezuela, or Cuba, or Iran, orPakistan, or Afganistan, or Russia. Do you seriously think you could voice your opinion? You want change? Get involved. Get those who think like you involved. And do something constructive.

  4. Libertarianism is the second revolution. A fight against the tyranny of socialism.

  5. As a third party voter I feel that the dismantling of the duopoly is long overdue.    There really is not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties these days, and if Ralph Nader's words weren't enough to prove it, just look at yesterday's debacle with the impeachment vote.  These so-called representatives are nothing more than image whores, and that's probably smearing the term as well.

    The Greens used to be organized into Committees of Correspondence which borrowed a term used in Revolutionary times and I heartily think of our movement and others as a modern day revolution.  

    Of course, like Jesus, should anyone today have originally uttered those words of Jefferson they would most likely find themselves on a list somewhere!

    Nonetheless, hear, hear!

  6. The country lies on the cusp of revolution my friend. Revolution or feudalism. As the richer continue to get richer, the powerful seize more power, and the common man becomes forgot and abused the pot will eventually boil over and I am guessing soon.

    But this will not be the romanticized version of revolution that this country undertook all those years ago. No it will be vile and bloody and in the end the status quo toppled or the people silenced... (think French Revolution).

    My guess is that as corporations continue to own everything and increase their profits while at the same time stifling salaries and raising prices while the politicians sit and smile all the way to the bank, that revolution is not far from happening. Let a major housing corporation evict its tenants to save costs, or the choice of the average American to be rent or food, or should another terrorist attack happen, you best believe that this nation will tear itself, and the world, apart!

    It will be the loyalists vs the constitutionalist. The status quo and the @$$ kissers vs the revolutionaries and free thinkers. It will be h**l on earth and I doubt that by the end the United States would still be united. So either we vote with ballot or our feet lest things get to bad and we start voting with our guns.

  7. American Revolution II must be staged to change the current politics dominated by the Republicans and Democrats.  A new America that will improve lives.

  8. "... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

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