
Would a sexless marriage gets better without profesional help?

by  |  earlier

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My friend (girl) has been married for 10 months. Since she got married until now, they only have s*x once a month. She's 30 and he's 31, they have been dating for 4 years before got married. She's fairly attractive, she helps him with his business so she knows his agenda and he's not cheating on her. He's not g*y, and when she asked for more frequent s*x, he said he's tired or not feeling well. Both of them want to have baby so they only have s*x when she's ovulating. She's frustated, sad, and feel unloved. She has tried seducing him, bought lingerie but he told her she doesn't have to wear it, she has been understanding, cried, begged, sulk, get angry, and still he doesn't want more s*x. I told her that he won't change byhimself, that they should go counseling or go see doctor. She said he won't go to either of them and she hopes he will get better. Will he get better without help?




  1. Some meds can cause people to lose interest in s*x.What was the s*x life like before the marriage? If she's done all that without change maybe she should suggest again about going to the doctor. She should just tell him exaclty how she feels and that it is a big relatonship problem too. If he's not willing to change she may need to rethink the marriage because she wouldn't want the relationship ending in an affair after she has explained to her husband that she needs affection.

  2. he is 12 years after his peak and she is at hers....this is life...she isn't doing anything wrong...he isn't g*y...he thinks she is attractive and all that...they can work something out together...but no one should make the other feel guilty nor should she try and strip his masculinity when working on it...

  3. this is insane. buy those books at barnes & noble on how to spice up your s*x life or bring passion in your relationship.

  4. my cusin had the same problem with her husband. he didnt want any s*x i dont know why, they had a baby and since the baby was born they didnt have any s*x AT ALL NONE. the baby is now 2 and my cusin is now divorcin her husband they havent had s*x for 2 YEARS.

    they're getting divorce over s*x.

    here is real proff to you that this guy will never change. i feel sorry for ur friend. hopefuly their marriage wont endup like my cusins  

  5. No, not if it's been 10 months with no change. There is something wrong here. Maybe physical, maybe emotional but he should see an expert. Maybe he needs to see a dr. first to see if there is a medical reason. If not then try counseling or s*x therapy. But he doesn't seem to want to change so maybe an open marriage is the next best thing.  

  6. It could be a ton of reasons. He could be unhappy in other areas of his life. He could actually be having an affair. He could be involved in bad business deals, involved in drugs, alcohol, etc.  

  7. Something def. isn't right. She's gonna have to sit him down and get it out of him. It's possible that he just may not be attracted to her anymore, and if that is the case, she needs to move on. That kind of situation can be very damaging to a woman, especially one her age. She's so young... they should be tearing each others clothes off every chance they get. You, as her friend, need to make sure she's prepared for the worst. Make sure she realizes that it very well could be that he's not attracted to her sexually, or it could be as simple as he's having some kind of issue- think erectile dysfunction ( which can be solved with medication), something along those lines. If she can't get it out of him on her own, counseling should absolutely be the next step. Something is going on, and he's obviously not planning on doing anything about it. I wish your friend the best of luck, what a terrible situation for her.  

  8. a doctor visit is in order.

    Or he can be telling the truth he may not be in the mood.

    People tell a guy wtf is wrong with you but if this is a woman they would be high five on making him wait  

  9. there are ways to get help without doctor or counselor.  He really just needs to understand what makes him feel this way.  Try novelty things without lingerie.  My husband doesn't respond to lingerie, but he does respond to other novelty things.

  10. See what happens when you don't have s*x before marriage. No really, what she has to do is try to tease him into the mood. Like wearing his tee shirt, with no panties or a g-string because it will look like a dress on her and have her wear bobby socks that go up to her ankles and have her prance around the house when she is cooking or vacuuming, or doing the dishes anything in front of him and she needs to do this on a regular basis. It won't happen over night, it will take time. Not all men like Lingerie, some just like Normal wear but allot more showing. When a girl puts on lingerie, its telling him lets go do it and he is not interested because that is not on his mind because he has not been teased. You need to tease him enough where he is the one that will take her down on the floor and do it right there. It is either that or he is not just a horny guy.  

  11. The first question would be WHY he doesn't want s*x.  I don't think you can answer this without knowing the answer to this.

  12. there may be a medical reason for his luck of interest in s*x..I suggust they visit a medical doctor and have him checked out and than proceed from there

    there are some rare medical conditions. He probably just does not want to admit to it because it will hurt his man pride....

    maybe it has nothing to do with her.

    BTW: was he like this before they got married?  if yes..then she knew what she was getting herself into..

    if he was sexually active before they got married then i say he maybe cheating....

    she should not jump to negative will not help the situation

  13. Only if you both want to work on it.  It can't happen if only one person is working on it.


  14. she offers him s*x n he says NO!!!




  15. he is g*y

    and FYI

    there is no such thing as marrieage without s*x

    they're done

  16. Sorry, but a "sexless marriage" is an oxymoron !

    They should both aknowledge they have a SERIOUS problem and seek professional help immediately. I mean it.

    I also think it is highly stupid -and selfish of them- to try to have a baby if they are experiencing this unhealthy marriage. What the h**l are they thinking? That a baby will save this disaster?!?!

    Give me a break !!!  How irresponsible of them!

    They should either decide to make things work out, by going to doctors and counselors; or call it quits once and for all.  

  17. He does not want help.  He is tired and does not feel well, it will be an ongoing mantra.  If it works for him, he will never fix it.  I feel sorry for your friend.  She is not even at her sexual peak and she is starving for affection, intimacy, and passion.  Her hoping will only remind her every minute of every day when she longs to have....but never will.

  18. I was going to say the same thing as life is fun, so give her the best answer.

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