
Would a shark really chase a human so far?

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So, I was watching Jaws IV - or V, not sure - I think it was called 'The Revenge' or something similar, (With it's INCREDIBLY AMAZING shark effects </sarcasm>) and in one scene, Jaws chased this scuba diver right into a sunken ship or something, breaking through stuff and going to all of this trouble - but I was thinking, surely it wouldn't chase a human so far and go to so much trouble? Or would it?

Also, the guy used his oxygen tank to make a quick getaway to the surface, but I though coming up too fast made your lungs pop, or something?




  1. Sharks smell the blood thats the only reason, and for underwater humans on a surf board look like seals and thats what sharks eat.

    Heres another thing have you ever heard of a shark eating a human nope, they take bites out of us and then let go because they dont like the way we taste or something; the may kill us by bitting us or whatever but they have never ate a full human.

  2. sharks don&#039;t really go to that much trouble to eat a perfectly healthy human being.  They are actually pretty timid and care full about where they put their heads.  They don&#039;t want to injure their eyes. So, I doubt a shark would try to break through a ship.  

    (When you see sharks banging into shark cages, it&#039;s likely that the metal is messing up their elector sensors and making them a bit disorientated.)

    Sharks aren&#039;t blood thirsty savages, they are actually sophisticated hunters, they size up their prey, and do a lot of bluffs and test bites to see if its and easy target.  They wont just mindlessly attack an animal.

    As for coming up to fast, I think it&#039;s only when you are extremely deep.  If the diver was exhaling the whole way up he should be fine.

  3. Yes, especially if they smell blood. blood makes a shark hunger for meat more than ususal. and yes coming up to the surface to fast can give you a disease called the benz.

  4. Most species of sharks do their level best to avoid humans. Actively chasing humans is unusual behavior for most species, including the great white shark featured in Jaws.  Great whites are a moderately aggressive species, they would very likely not engage in such a intense pursuit.  

    Some species, like a bull shark or oceanic whitetip shark are more aggressive and might actively pursue a person if they had the opportunity.  That said, they are not out for vengeful, just a meal. If they can&#039;t get a meal out of it, they won&#039;t go after a swimmer.  Shark attacks, even by these aggressive species, are still very rare.

  5. yes but in the water you are much slower than the shark so if you did try to swim away you would die.

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