
Would a tall (really gorgeous) german guy (he's about 6 foot 2) find me attractive?

by  |  earlier

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I am about 5 foot 2 and we both dress very similar (except my outfits are fer gals and his r fer guys) we both dress in kind of punk/emo kind of look......except we are both really happy and we both smile alot!




  1. it sounds like u guys have a lot in common (except in height! lol) well hes the only person who can know that. i mean sure i think u guys sound compatable given the information u listed, but we cant know if hes into you. i wouldnt think a guy that tall would be too keen on a girl thats 5'2, but we're not him.  

  2. the h**l should i know?

    the only way to know is to ask him.

  3. your saying your both scene -.-

    umm i have no idea..

    does he seem into you?

  4. You're too short. Go after someone your size.

    I'm 6'3 tall and I woulden't date anyone under 5'6. My brothers are around 5'11 and feel the same way.

  5. Funny thing, usually "I don't know" isn't an appropriate answer, but here I think it fits.

    There is only one person in the world who can answer this question.

    Why don't you just start by saying something like 'I really like that you are happy a lot'.

    You could follow it up by saying something like 'It makes me feel comfortable and happy around you'.

    Just keep it low key and give it a day. Then think about something you are doing already and ask him to come along with you. Nothing romantic or anything, just something simple... maybe clothes shopping or do an army surplus store (sounds a bit more masculine, but for you guys may be pretty much the same thing) and lunch? keep your plans for the time short and let him lead the time. Watch him for interest level. If things take longer, that's good. If you miss lunch because he wants to spend more time in the store, that's fine. An excuse for lunch at another time.

    Don't be afraid to take a little initiative. You've got only one thing to lose - opportunity. But if you do nothing, it's lost already anyhow.

    EDIT: Another guy said that he was a certain height and wouldn't imagine dating a girl under a certain height. That's got nothing to do with what someone else might do. I personally know couples where both are tall and couples where one is 6'4"+ and the woman is 5'6"-

    One guy is 6'9" and his wife is 5'4" and they have been happily married for nearly 15 years.

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