
Would a tattoo on burned skin be more painful than a tattoo on healthy skin?

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for instance, would a tattoo over a nickle sized burn on my wrist hurt worse than a normal tattoo, even if the burn was totally healed? is there a higher risk of infection or distortion of the design?




  1. If it can be tattooed, it will almost definitely hurt more than a tattoo on healthy skin. Not all scar tissue can be tattooed. If it can, it is tougher skin and will require more pressure and working over to get good coverage. That could be a higher risk for infection, just because of the way it would be tattooed, but not really because of the tissue itself. It will be harder to get the image to look right. Make sure you go to someone with lots of experience. If they say it can't be done, that's better than going to someone who will do it anyway and leave you bad results.

  2. Once a burn is healed, it is no longer a burn but a scar.

    Depending on the extent of the scar, you can tattoo over it, or incorporate it within a design/image.

    This is something that you need to ask a qualified, experienced, reputable tattooist. That is the only way that you will get a good answer.

    And the same goes for the pain part of your question.

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