
Would a tornado move a battle ship or cruise ship or other huge ship?

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would a tornado move a battle ship or cruise ship or other huge ship....random question...




  1. Only if their decks are covered with mobile homes!!

    Tornadoes occur on land.

    Perhaps, you meant hurricanes.

  2. We steered clear of a large waterspout just south of the Phillipines with our 103,000 ton vessel.   If nothing else, it would have ripped the piping and walkways off it and taken the thousands of feet of mooring line we had faked out on deck.    There would have been nothing other than parts of the ship to batter us with instead of cars and cows like on land.    We did get a couple inches of salt water rain from the thing that it had sucked up from the ocean in a few minutes.

  3. They happen on the water also.  I don't know if it damage or sink it, but it would sux.

  4. A tornado could happen at sea.  There would probably also be a water spout.  Being struck by winds of several hundreds miles an hour would move and probably damage even large vessels.

  5. If they was on land yes, if ou ment hurrcains then yes out on sea.

    It depends witch catagory it is in.

    F0 Category Tornado  

    40-72 mph (35-62 kt)  NA  Gale Tornado. Light Damage: Some damage to chimneys; breaks twigs and branches off trees; pushes over shallow-rooted trees; damages signboards; some windows broken; hurricane wind speed begins at 73 mph.  

    F1 Category Tornado  

    73-112 mph (63-97 kt)  Cat 1/2/3  Moderate Tornado. Moderate damage: Peels surfaces off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; outbuildings demolished; moving autos pushed off the roads; trees snapped or broken.  

    F2 Category Tornado  

    113-157 mph (98-136 kt)  Cat 3/4/5  Significant Tornado. Considerable damage: Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; frame houses with weak foundations lifted and moved; boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light-object missiles generated.  

    F3 Category Tornado  

    158-206 mph (137-179 kt)  Cat 5  Severe Tornado. Severe damage: Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forests uprooted; heavy cars lifted off the ground and thrown; weak pavement blown off roads.  

    F4 Category Tornado  

    207-260 mph (180-226 kt)  Cat 5?  Devastating Tornado. Devastating damage: Well constructed homes leveled; structures with weak foundations blown off some distance; cars thrown and disintegrated; large missiles generated; trees in forest uprooted and carried some distance away.  

    F5 Category Tornado  

    261-318 mph (227-276 kt)  NA  Incredible Tornado. Incredible damage: Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distance to disintegrate; automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 300 ft (100 m); trees debarked; incredible phenomena will occur.  

    F6-F12 Category Tornadoes  

    Gtr than 319 mph (277 kt)  NA  The maximum wind speeds of tornadoes are not expected to reach the F6 wind speeds.

  6. they are right. it depends on how strong the tornado is. once a tornado hits a thing, i will not just move it but damages it as well.

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