
Would a true psychic seek publicity?

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I can't see why one would...




  1. There is no advantage to talking out about the gift.

  2. Why not?  Why would a psychic be any different than the rest of the populace, some of whom tend to seek publicity and some of whom do not?

  3. Some would seek it and I imagine some wouldn't.  How very convenient to "have" an ability but refuse to share it with the rest of the world.

  4. it would depend on the personality that they had.

    I like to hide.

  5. Hello

    Different personality types wish to have different things. I wouldn't but know of a few that would.

    Some get noticed whilst they are treading the boards at spiritualist meetings etc, so it kinda creeps up on them.


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  6. "What you receive as a gift...Give as a gift."

    If I were a psychic...I would ask God to send the people to me who needed my help...or let them cross my path..and let others know about me by word of mouth and testimonies etc. (not by advertisements etc) Besides, it seems like to me that you would be "opening the door" for other spirits and for others to do things to harm you. I don't think you'd have to tell anyone that you are psychic. I think it would be obvious. Also..a true psychic shouldn't and probably wouldn't go around saying "I know all about you ." I can't stand that!!

  7. A person who seeks fame, fortune, or attention who also happens to have some paranormal skills may seek publicity just to satify their ego.  They may not mind being hounded, and would welcome the attention.

    I have met people with paranormal abilities who were very protective of their time.  Others are extremely willing to share.  Still others are closed-minded and prejudiced in their beliefs.  There is nothing special about "psychic abilities" that cause a person to have certain behaviours, or moral/ethical views.

    People are people.  Some have skills that others don't, but they are still people, and they have different traits and characteristics.  It's not like all psychics agree on everything.  Everyone is different, even among psychics, and everyone has different reasons for their actions.

  8. no...who would believe us anyways?  everyone has it in their head that psychics can just know things out of the blue, so unless we could do that, no one is gonna believe us. they dont seem to realize that we do need a little guidence here and there to make sure we are tuning in on the right person or situation.

      plus, i garuntee you people would bum rush these psychics asking for lottery numbers, and yeah, guess what, we dont have them, because psychics DONT work like that..

  9. Great question, I have wondered about that too.  I have enough problems  with my psychic ability's, why in the world any one want all that c**p dumped on them.  My thoughts are that they are con artists.  I would never ask for money for something I can't control or even understand.  ESP is real but I think it is limited and not reliable enough to tell people what to do in their life.

  10. I'll quickly explain the buddhist reason why monks don't perform any psychic shows or acts. If they did, people would come to observe them as a freakshow, rather than come to learn about the concepts of buddhism..

    Perhaps the reason why psychics don't seek publicity though, is because they realize that it's not something to be commercialized or put on the market, but instead holds a spiritual significance, rather than materical significance.

  11. Sure.  You would be paid millions just to sit around and let scientists run tests on you.  This guy would give any psychic a million bucks today for proving they could do it.

  12. This would depend on numerous factors beyond their psychic abilities. None of the Remote Viewers in the Star Gate project for instance were allowed to seek publicity because the program was Secret for many years.

    Contrary to the misinformation posted on YA by psuedoskeptics real scientist will not give you millions of dollars to study you. In fact funding for their own research is often difficult to raise. I have provided a link below for any mediums that would like to participate in scientific research but be warned there is a large waiting list.

    There are also other opportunities from simple online games to surveys, to research subjects that can be found at the middle two links below.

    As for the Randi challenge it is not taken seriously by any scientist within or outside of the parapsychology community.

    "But as a leading Fellow of CSICOP, Ray Hyman, has pointed out, this "prize" cannot be taken seriously from a scientific point of view: "Scientists don't settle issues with a single test, so even if someone does win a big cash prize in a demonstration, this isn't going to convince anyone. Proof in science happens through replication, not through single experiments." (full link below)

    Why the challenge of a magician with no education or training in any field of science is constantly brought up in the science & mathematics section as the best test for psychic abilities is perhaps beyond the ability of science (and thus paranormal) to figure out since science and math only deals with logic, reason, experiments, and evidence.

  13. to make a buck

    to show offf

    to prove that his abilities are real

  14. no, people would swarm us and keep asking questions 24 7

  15. Maybe they would,maybe they wouldn't.It would depend,some people like the spotlight others don't.It would be harder to stop the publicity that their predictions stirred up.Presumably they'd use their powers to save lives and property,It would be hard to keep a lid on that.

  16. I would not for several reasons, but I think that depends on the person.  Some truly want to help others and you can't help people if they don't know what you are.  Some want money, fame, or just to prove that they aren't liars.  As I said though, personally, I would keep a think like that private because I think interfering with the lives of others makes it harder for them to learn that which they are supposed to learn in any given life time.  Nobody ever learned a worth while lesson by avoiding it, or by having it predicted for them.

  17. you could be a true psychic and still want publicity.  The gift doesn't mean that you necessarily have to be all spiritual and righteous.

    some people do have to make a living tho...

    I dont see anyghing wrong with making a living from it as long as you are giving a true reading and service.

  18. no because the government would hold you prisoner and make you a tool or weapon

    your family would be at risk

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